XC- Birthday Boy

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My mom places the rolls on the table before taking a seat herself. "Thanks, mom." I say. I helped her cook a little bit, but she mostly wanted to talk about school. I told her about Katie and my internship but other than that there wasn't much to tell.

Shawn is sitting next to me at the table, looking as nonchalant as ever. "So what made you decide to move to New York?" My dad asks him. I feel so awkward but I'm not sure why. We've all had dinner together before and it's ended up fine. Maybe It's because we have a title this time. The label that says it all, he's my boyfriend. Not my fling, or teacher. Shawn is my boyfriend.

Shawn puts some food on his plate while he answers him. "They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Besides I knew the area so it made sense to accept a job there."

They begin talking about New York and how Dianne let him have the apartment. I sit quietly, only talking when I'm spoken to. I do mention that he's my first hour again. My family found it funny and ironic. I don't blame them for taking this whole situation lightly. Besides, they love Shawn. Watching the way he charms them, I can see why. He's good with parents, nice and understanding. He's not too young so he can relate to them about certain topics and issues that I haven't experienced yet. I stand up and grab my plate, everyone stares at me. "I'm just going to put my plate up."

My dad furrows his eyebrows, "Are you sure? You hardly ate anything."

"Yeah I'm just not that hungry but I'll finish it later." I promise, as I walk past them and into the kitchen.

I set my plate on the counter and grab the plastic wrap from the cabinet. I glance up when Shawn walks in. He holds his plate up, "I told them I was getting more. Are you okay?" He whispers to me.

I force myself to nod, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you can't eat when you're nervous." I stop fumbling with the plastic wrap and look up at him. "We could just tell them you know."

"About us?" I whisper back. "No way."

He put his hand on mine. "They're going to find out eventually because I don't plan on losing you anytime soon." Shawn's words are sweet. I know he'd do anything for me and I always thought I would do the same. So why can't I go into that dining room and blurt it out to my parents? Shawn let's go of my hand after I've taken too long to answer. "Oh." He says.

"Wait it's not like that I-" I pause. "This whole thing has just caught me off guard." Shawn doesn't respond, he just sets his plate in the sink and walks back into the dining room. I hear him tell them he changed his mind about the leftovers.

I internally groan and put my food in the fridge before rejoining my family. Shawn is laughing with my mom over something I didn't hear. "You need to get yourself a man like Shawn." She laughs some more. I'm not sure if she meant what she just said but Shawn ignores it.

"Don't pressure her into getting a boyfriend, Olivia. As far as I'm concerned you can stay single forever." My dad says, I know it took him a lot to get over my last relationship. I guess we know who would be for and against Shawn and I.

It still doesn't mean I should tell them like Shawn wants. It's not good timing, not while he's still my teacher. "Well, I should get going." Shawn stands up and puts his jacket on. "Thank you for dinner."

"Do you still have a place here?"

Shawn nods. "Yeah, just a few blocks away 0n Littleton." He waves to my parents. "Thanks again."

"I'll walk you out." I tell him but Shawn doesn't speak to me so I follow him out. "Shawn, wait." I call after him.

He gets to his car and opens the door. "Are you coming with me or not?" He asks.

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