XCIX- Amends

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I wake up in Shawn's arms. I wasn't expecting things to turn out the way they did but now I'm here, with him. I smile, does this mean we're back together?

"You're awake." Shawn says. I sit up and look at him. "How did you sleep?"

Funny, I was just about to ask about him. We didn't end up getting that much sleep. "I slept well." I stand up, "I have to go though. I should find Ty and apologize."

His eyebrows draw in together. "Why?"

"Because I just let him and I want to explain some things to him." I find my shoes and sit at the end of the bed to put them on. "Hey...when I go to my parents for Thanksgiving, I want you to come with me. I want to tell them about us." He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "Even if we're not back together. They deserve to know and I'm finally ready...if you are." It took me a long time to come to the realization I had this morning. No matter what the consequences are, it's time to stop hiding.

Shawn sits up to grab my arm and pull me against his chest. He leans down and presses his lips down on mine. I groan softly out of surprise but I couldn't be happier right now, in this moment. The moment where Shawn realizes I'd do anything for him. Where he knows that I finally know exactly what I want. I'm not afraid to take it anymore. No matter what happens.

He pulls away and smiles, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for breaking things off, I should've just tried to work through it. It won't happen again, I promise."

"Does this mean you want to get back together?" I ask, just to hear him say it.

"I don't ever want to be without you again." He's vulnerable right now. It's yet another side of him I don't see very often. Him doing something as simple as letting his guard down proves he means it.

"You won't be." I say as I kiss him quickly and stand up. "I'll see you tonight?"

Shawn nods. "I'll make you dinner."

I knock on the door for the third time, Layla finally opens it. "I was in the shower." I can tell. She's still dripping on the floor, with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Sorry, is Ty here?"

She sighs and opens the door for me to come in. "He's in his room."

"Is he okay?" I ask.

Layla shuts the door and turns to me. "His ego is probably a little bruised but he'll be fine." That makes me feel a little bit better about the situation but not by much. I follow Layla upstairs to Ty's bedroom door.

She walks away to her room at the same time I knock on his door. I hear shuffling on the other end before he opens it. "Hi." I offer him a small smile.

Ty opens the door for me to come in, "Livia, I have to say I wasn't expecting you."

I step inside his room. "I just wanted to apologize about last night."

"You mean for leaving me for your very intrusive ex?" There's a tiny bit of attitude in his voice but I can't blame him for it.

"I'm not sorry about what happened between us. It was amazing it's just-"

He cuts me off. "You want him."

I sigh, "It's always been him." Whether we're together or not.

Ty sits on his bed and places his elbows on his knees. "I guess I already knew that."

I move to sit beside him. "I'm really sorry."

He meets my eyes. Any woman would be lucky to have him, it's just not me. "You're a real heart breaker, you know that?" He seems to think out loud before nudging my arm, "I can't stay mad at you. Your boyfriend on the other hand, I can hate all I want."

"Deal." I say, knowing Shawn isn't the biggest fan of him either.

We sit in silence for a moment. Then he asks, "So you two are back together huh?"

I look down at my hands. "Yeah, we're usually never apart for long."

Ty takes a deep breath. "Looks like you found someone as complicated as you."

"Looks that way doesn't it? I guess it's normal for us." I never thought about it that way but he's right. Our entire relationship isn't complicated solely because of me.

He smiles, "I know it's cliche but I'd like to stay friends."

I laugh lightly. "I'd like that."

The next thing on my list for today is Katie. She's working at the diner today so I try to find a booth in her section. Unfortunately, Jack is also in that booth. "I guess she forgave you last night?" I ask.

Jack looks over to her, watching her work. "You could say that."

Layla's words ring through my head about his reasons for not inviting her. Could they be business related or something more? Unfortunately, I already know far too much about Jack. The fact that Shawn and I have mended things makes it a bit worse. "I want you to tell Shawn, soon." Perhaps sooner than we all expected.

"You know I have plans first, besides, I want to see Dianne."

I look around, thankfully Katie is staying busy. "Do what you have to do, I can't keep this from Shawn. He deserves to know the truth." This is nothing new, yet Jack doesn't reflect on the topic.

"I think you have more pressing things to worry about." I sit back in the booth, confused by his words. "Katie was with me at the bar when Shawn walked in on you and Ty. We saw everything, and trust me a mask doesn't cover someone's identity."

I suck in a breath. Then I force myself to calm down a bit. I planned on telling my friends soon anyway, I guess this saves me some extra trouble. "This isn't about me, Jack." I lean in. "I won't keep this a secret for much longer. So do what you have to do and tell Shawn."

"Okay." Jack says through his teeth. "Just give me some more time to figure some things out."

Katie finally walks up to us. "Hey Livia, can we talk?" She looks pointedly at me.

I glance at Jack who stands up, "I'll just give you two some privacy." He says.

Katie sits down in the spot he was just in. "I saw something at the party...well I'm not sure what I saw."

I hold my hand out to grab hers. "I know what it looked like and I can explain."

"I don't want to jump to conclusions."

Most people would. I think to myself. "Mr. Morgan is the man I've been seeing. We've been on and off for more than a year."

"Wait, weren't you with Dean?" She whispers. I had almost forgotten about the engagement ring she found.

I can't get anything past Katie. "Yes but it's a really long story. Please just don't tell anyone and I'll explain everything."

My heart starts to beat fast at the anticipation of her answer. Either way, I'll live with the consequences. Finally, she responds. "I won't tell anyone, but you can't expect to get lucky every time. Eventually someone will talk." Her words surprise me but she's right. The more people that find out, the more likely we are to get caught.

If I had it my way, no one would know about us. At least not until we're no longer considered forbidden. Katherine was the first person to find out about us, and unfortunately not the last. "Believe me, I know." I respond to my roommate.

Someone calls her from behind the counter. "I have to go. We'll finish up at the dorm tomorrow." Then she's off.

I sigh a breath of relief. That could've gone a lot worse, then again that's why they call it a risk.

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