CII- Meet The Boyfriend

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Three Weeks Later...the day before Thanksgiving

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Katie asks as I pack my bags for the long weekend ahead of me.

Our plan is to go to Thanksgiving and stay at Shawn's place for the rest of the weekend. I run my fingers over a pair of jeans, stuffing them in my bag. "Of course I am, this time tomorrow I'll be with my parents. Telling them about my boyfriend being my teacher."

She sits up on the bed, looking over at me. She's been great to talk to ever since she found out about us, I've been confiding in her. I know I have Hunter but he's been caught up with Seth for a while now. "Yeah but didn't you say they love him? It probably won't be that bad."

"They love him as a mentor, not as my boyfriend." I remind her. They don't love him the way they loved Dean, then again what did they know?

Katie blows out, a piece of her hair moves out of her face in the process. "Jesus, I'm kind of worried for you."

"I appreciate your honesty." I say, zipping up my bag and setting it down by my bed. "I'll be okay though. I might even get to stop by and see Noelle. I miss her cute little face." I laugh as I think about how big Noelle will be since the last time I saw her. Jenny has been sending me pictures but I can't wait to see her in person.

Of course Bee will be there, I'll have to come clean to her too. She's pretty mad at me right now and I can't blame her, but maybe I can help her to understand. "Good, I guess I should start packing too." Katie says with a sigh, interrupting my thoughts.

"Are you not excited to see your family?"

Katie pulls out her suitcase and lays it on the bed. With a shrug she responds, "It's just my dad and I. Holidays are never really fun when it's just the two of us."

I can't help but pry, "What about your mom? Is she...?" I trail off, not wanting to say the word out loud.

"Dead?" She finishes my question for me and shakes her head. "No, she left when I was young. My dad took it pretty hard but it was a long time ago." The way she talks about it makes it seem like she doesn't care that her mom is gone. Maybe she doesn't, depending on how young she was. Katie probably doesn't remember her mom.

We stay in comfortable silence while she finishes packing. Eventually it gets late and we decide to get some sleep, I have to meet Shawn at the airport pretty early.

Thanksgiving Day....

"You look tired." Shawn says as we begin to board the plane. He takes my overhead bag and places it above our seats. "You didn't sleep much either huh?"

Unfortunately it's hard to sleep when nerves are buzzing through my body all night. "Maybe a few hours." I respond quietly.

Shawn sits beside me, his arm pressing against mine. "At least they know I'm coming so I'm not there unannounced." I agree. I felt it would be easier if I told my parents I invited him. They were all for it.

I reach down and intertwine my fingers with Shawn's. This alone makes me feel smidge less nervous. He offers my hand a small squeeze as I look out the window while the world gets smaller.

After the flight and a short drive to Brookview, we're at my parents house. Shawn and I share a knowing look as we walk up to the door together. This is it, this is really happening. "Livia! Is that you?!" My mom yells from the kitchen.

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