CXV- Lines

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I called my mom the second we stepped inside Shawn's apartment. The dorms are still closed for winter break so I can't get my things just yet. I filled her in on who Jack was (with Shawn's permission), and I explained why we all had to leave. To my surprise she understood completely. "How is he holding up?" She asks.

I look up at Shawn, watching him begin to unpack his bag. "He's good considering. Again, I'm sorry I couldn't stay."

She shuffles on the other end, "It's fine honey. I have to go now, I'm swamped planning the New Year's party." I internally roll my eyes. "Are you sure you don't want to attend?"

"Positive." I say. "Bye mom." I hang up first, putting my phone back in my pocket and turning to Shawn. "I really don't understand my mom sometimes."

"Have you met mine?" He deadpans.

I put my suitcase on the bed and begin putting stuff away. "Touche."

Shawn walks over to me, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. It's his signature move when he wants to be close to me. He raises his hand and moves my hair behind my ear. "I know we talked a little bit on the plane but, I just want to make sure you're absolutely sure you want to move in with me. I won't pressure you so, if you don't feel comfortable with it just tell me."

Of course that's what he would be worried about, me regretting my decision. I'm sensing a theme with this man. "Shawn, I promise that I am one hundred and twenty percent sure that I want to move in with you." Shawn kisses me, using his tongue to separate my lips and meet my tongue. The kiss quickly turns hot, as I roam his hair with my hands, pulling gently at the strands. Shawn groans in my mouth as he lowers his hands to the back of my thighs and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, not sure how we got here but not complaining. He smells so good, like sandalwood and mint. It's not a combination I would think of but he intoxicates me. We continue making out as Shawn reaches down to lay me on the bed. "Shawn my bag." I say, feeling the synthetic fabric against my arm.

"Oh," He says, pulling back slightly to see it. Then he pauses, setting me down and grabbing the bag with the pregnancy test label clear through the plastic.

"Shawn wait it's a-

He gets off of me, standing in front of the bed now. "A pregnancy test." He states, pulling it out of the plastic to reveal the bright pink box. "Livia, are you pregnant?"

I sigh, sitting up on my elbows, "I don't know I-I'm late but that's it." I also puked a couple of times but I doubt it was pregnancy related.

"I thought you were on birth control."

I move my hair out of my face and stand up. "I am but then Katie started talking about her cousin who's had three kids on birth control and she got in my head." I explain, pacing around.

Shawn looks more nervous than I've ever seen but he holds it together. "Okay let's just, take the test and go from there."

I stop, "Like...right now?"

"Yes!" He urges.

"Okay okay." I grab the box from his hand and go to the bathroom, when he begins following me, I turn around and stop him. "You are not coming in there with me."

"Fine, just come out when you're done?" Okay, he's holding it together, mostly.

I shut the door and take the test exactly as the instructions tell me. When I finish, I put the cap back on the end and set it on the counter. I wash my hands before finally opening the door. "It takes two minutes." I say.

Shawn must see how much I'm freaking out because he wraps his arms around me in a hug. "Whatever happens it's going to be okay." I close my eyes and try to listen to the sound of his heart beating. I've never been in this position before so I have no idea how to react. However, Shawn has. I wonder if he held Katherine like this and told her the same thing. Or maybe she came up to him after class and told him the news.

I shake my head, ridding myself of those thoughts while also pulling away from him. "It's been two minutes." I say, turning to the stick a few feet away from me.

Shawn moves me over to the side, taking control in reading the results for himself. I watch his stoic face remain the same as he checks the instructions before looking back at the test. Shawn takes a step back, leaning his head against the wall. I can't tell what that means so I gather up the courage to check for myself. "You're pregnant." He says softly.

I stare at the two pink lines right beside each other. "Oh my God, I'm pregnant." I repeat, possibly in shock. I turn around to my boyfriend. "What am I going to do?"

He opens his eyes, looking down at me in a way I can't decipher. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Shawn in case you haven't been paying attention, I'm nineteen years old, in college, and oh yeah, you've been my teacher for the last year and a half. I'm pretty sure I'm far from okay." I don't know how to feel, I want to be happy because I love Shawn but the timing literally could not be worse. "Are...are you okay?"

He pushes himself off of the wall, exiting the bathroom and moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "Come here." Shawn says, holding out his hand for me. I hesitantly close the space between us, grabbing his hand and sitting on his lap. He looks up at me, "I know this might sound crazy but...I'm okay. I mean I'll go with whatever you want to do but," His next words feel like everything is going to be okay as long as we're together. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life and I couldn't ask for a better person to have kids with."

"I love you so much but...I don't know the first thing about kids." I get off of his lap, ready to face the music. "I thought I would have more time." I press my hands against my stomach, this doesn't feel real. None of this does.

Shawn presses his lips into a thin line, "Let's just talk about this and go over all of our options."

"The way I see it Shawn, there are only two options. We either have a baby or-"

"Or we don't? Livia, that's a big decision to make."

"Don't you think I know that!" I snap. "I'm sorry I- '' I sit back down, on the bed this time. "I'm freaking out, aren't you?"

Shawn leans down in front of me, "Of course I am. If we have a baby then, that's just another piece of you to love."

I laugh, even though I'm on the verge of tears. "Now who's the cheesy one."

"You caught me." He responds lightly. "We don't have to make a decision right away. We have a little bit of time."

"Yeah." I agree. "We have some time."

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