CLIX- Last Hurrah

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A/N: This is NOT the last chapter of the book, don't worry and don't be mad. There is a method to the madness and this book has been planned out for a really long time so don't worry! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the next chapter!


I go to school just like normal. Only things are never normal for me. As I'm passing by Professor Sam's classroom, I stop. He's talking to Katie, smiling down at her as he speaks. The level of happiness he's in leads me to believe he doesn't know about Katherine. I force myself to keep walking, It's not my place. Besides, I still haven't confronted him about what Dean had told him in the library.

"Hey Livia!" Katie's voice calls, stopping me. I turn to her and force a smile on my face, "I was just talking to Sam about a paper on the justice system. I'm almost done and then we can walk together?" The desperation in her voice tells me it's important to her, so I accept. Sam's eyes are on me, I pretend not to notice. "Great! So anyway-" I don't hear the rest of what she says to him, but it's brief. Soon Katie dismisses herself and catches up to me. We begin walking in unison as Katie leans in and quietly says, "Don't look now, but I think Professor Sam is staring at you." I don't look, I have no desire to.

I shrug and continue walking to the cafeteria with Katie. "That's because he thinks I'm having a secret love affair with Shawn."

Katie chuckles, "Please, that was so last year." I find this funny and laugh alongside Katie. "Speaking of secret love affairs, how are you two?"

I open my mouth to tell her just as I shoulder check someone. They were walking out of the cafeteria at the same time we went to walk in. "Hunter?" I ask. I'm not sure where we stand since I ended Seth and I's friendship. I can't blame him for sticking with his boyfriend, afterall that's what I did.

Taking in Hunter's appearance, his hair is disheveled, and light stubble is growing on his normally clean shaven face. "Livia."

He says just as Seth walks out of the cafeteria, examining the ingredients written in sharpie on his coffee. "I'm not sure if they put in the extra espresso like I-" Seth stops as he notices all three of us looking awkwardly at him. "Oh."

"Well this is awkward." Katie openly deadpans.

Hunter ignores her to ask me, "How are you?"

"Babe we don't have time." Seth doesn't even spare me a glance as he grabs Hunter's hand and begins walking away.

I wave at Hunter, "Bye."

Hunter offers me a weary nod before completely turning away from me. Once they're out of earshot Katie sighs. "Come on or we'll be late too."

I agree and walk inside the cafeteria with her. It's always crowded around this time but we manage to get our food and find a table quickly. "When was the last time you talked to Hunter?"

"Honestly I don't remember." I feel as though we both might need more time. I miss him though, he's always had the best intentions. Even if they humiliate me in front of an entire town. I shake my head and steer the conversation in a different direction. "I think Shawn and I are going to break up." I begin strong and then add the details. "Last night a lawyer stopped by the apartment. She said that Katherine had died and she had put Shawn down in her will as Matthew's legal guardian." Katie only met Katherine when I hit her at the party. Even then, it wasn't an actual meet but an observation. Then she read all about her in my journal, but I don't know what she remembers.

Katie swallows and softly replies with, "Wait, she has a son?" I nod. "Holy shit."

"Yep." I agree, popping the 'P'. "Shawn wants to take Matthew in but I..." I trail off, sick of repeating the words I'm not ready.

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