LXXXVII- What We Have in Common

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The week goes by just like the last. I haven't seen much of Katie, she's been with Jack a lot lately. This time next week, it'll be fall break. It's hard to believe we're already nearing the end of September. The temperature has already dropped to fall weather and New York is much colder than Colorado.

    I pull my jacket in closer to my body and wrap my arms around my torso. "You're freezing." Seth says beside me.

    I glance up at him, "You could've told me it feels like winter in September here in New York." In all honesty it's just common sense, New York is north.

    Still, Seth takes his coat off and puts it on my shoulders. "Here."

    I shake my head, "No, then you'll be cold."

    Seth chuckles lightly, "I grew up here, I'm used to the weather, trust me." Sure enough, Seth isn't even shivering from the strong winds.

    We walk into the diner where we're supposed to be meeting Hunter. He's not there yet so we grab a booth in Katie's section. "How is that going? You two living together and everything."

    Seth shrugs, looking down at his menu. "It's fine."

    "Oh come on, you were really looking forward to living with him."

    "No, I like living with him, It's-" He gets this look in his eyes, like he wants to tell me something. "It's nothing, drop it." 

    I've never seen Seth so serious before. Right after that, Hunter shows up looking just as awkward as Seth. He sits next to me instead of Seth. "Hey." I greet my friend.

    During dinner, they have nothing to talk to each other about. It's filled with stolen glances and awkward pauses. I want to ask what's going on but then I remember how closed off Seth got. If I want to know anything at all, it's going to be through Hunter.

    "Here's your check guys, take your time." Katie announces before rushing off to her next table.

Seth places cash on the table and stands up to go to the restroom. As soon as he's out of ear shot I turn to Hunter. "Okay spill, you two have been weird all night."

Hunter scoffs, "Weird? We haven't been weird. If anything we've been normal, too normal."

"You're babbling."

Hunter sighs. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You know all about me and my teacher problems, you can trust me with your problems." Just when I think he's going to tell me, Seth walks out of the bathroom.

"Drop it, okay?" Hunter whispers the same thing Seth told me.

Seth barely looks at Hunter when he gets back to the table. "Are you ready?" He asks.

Hunter nods, getting out of the booth. I hand Seth his coat, "I'll see you two later." They both mumble goodbyes before leaving the diner.

I frown, not knowing what's going on between my only real friends here. I like Katie, but we don't know that much about each other like I do Seth and Hunter. Although at the moment, it's looking like I don't know as much as I thought I did about them.

"Is this seat taken?" I look up to see Jack surprisingly not in a suit. He's wearing jeans and a hoodie, looking completely casual.

I gesture for him to sit down. "Go ahead, what's with the clothes?"

He looks down at himself, "I promised Katie I would wear normal clothes once." I remember her saying something about that. I'm surprised he actually went through with it. "She looks busy." He mentions.

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