XCVII- Halloween Party

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Two Weeks Later...October 31st

I walk in and adjust my mask. I've never worn glasses so having something around my eyes is an adjustment. The party is spectacular. Most people are wearing masks with ball gowns and others are wearing normal costumes. It's almost as if everyone fits in here. Katie is by my side, taking a look at the party before her eyes.

Still, it's a reminder that Shawn was supposed to be here with me. It doesn't matter though. I've been reflecting these past couple of weeks and looking forward to this party in particular. "Ladies." Layla says as she curtsies in front of us. "What do you think?"

I look around, the party's colors are black and gold. A combination that seems to match most of the guests. It's elegant in the way that waiters are here, passing drinks and food around. Two bars line the opposite walls, with bartenders in costumes of their own. "I think this is the best party I've ever been to." Way better than the one from the first week of school. Even though that ended in a fight, I have a good feeling about this one.

Layla smiles, her black lipstick is matted perfectly to her lips. She chose a gala girl from the twenties. "Good! My brother is here, come on." She takes my hand and guides me through the party. Katie follows close behind while I let her lead me until we find Ty. Thriller comes on through the speakers at the same time she stops dragging me. "Over there." Layla points to Ty, dressed as a colonist. He has on a long-length, loose linen shirt, and short length pants that fasten at the knee. His shoes are plain leather and he's wearing a normal black mask. He's leaning in to whisper in a woman-dressed as tinkerbell's- ear. She giggles and smiles up at him. "Man he's good at that." Layla comments at the same time Ty looks up and notices me. His eyes trail down my body before meeting my gaze again.

"He's practically eye fucking you." Katie whispers to me. She's not wrong. The seduction in his eyes is clear, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention. "I'm going to grab a drink, do you want anything?"

Layla shakes her head no while I do the same. "We'll be over there." She tells Katie. Meanwhile Ty begins walking toward us. Before Ty makes his way to me, Layla pulls on my arm and drags me to a couch on the west side of the club. A group of girls are sitting, with a joint being passed around between the four of them. "Have you ever smoked weed before?" Layla asks as she takes the joint from her blonde friend, dressed up as a slutty deer.

I shake my head, "Never." There were potheads in my school but none of them ever interacted with me much. Besides, Dean always said it kills brain cells.

Layla chuckles, "It's not bad if you don't get stoned at first. Just smoke enough to take the edge off."

"Is it legal?" I ask. Katie is still at the bar but I would feel better if she tried it with me.

The group of girls laugh at my comment, while the deer pulls out a card and hands it to me. "It's medicinal." She announces. I give it back to her.

Layla grabs my chin so that I'm facing her. "Just watch what I do." Layla pinches the end and brings it to her lips. She takes the lighter and slowly waits for the paper to burn. Then she puts it between her lips and sucks in for a moment. She inhales and when she exhales, smoke comes out.

Then she hands it to me. "Two hits and you'll have a blast at this party. I promise." I hesitantly take the joint from her. Everyone watches while I try to mimic what Layla just did.

I take it slow, inhaling a little at a time and sucking it in. My lungs burn but I try my best not to cough. On Layla's command, I exhale and repeat the process once more. The group of girls clap like they've witnessed something magical. The truth is I never thought I would agree to drugs, even something as simple as marijuana. I suppose tonight's circumstances are different. I want to have fun and forget about Shawn for one night. "How can you tell if it's working?" I ask.

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