LXXXVI- The Seed of Doubt

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I walk into my dorm room with heavy shoulders. What Shawn told me was horrible. Trying to picture him going through that at such a young age kills me. He didn't deserve that, no one does. "Livia, there you are. Some girl was just looking for you." Katie walks up to me and pulls at Ty's clothes in my hand.

"Who?" I ask, ignoring her staring at my very expensive men's clothing.

She looks up at me, "I'm pretty sure it's that girl you hit."

I look back to the door, wondering what she could possibly want. "Oh well, she'll come back if she really needs to see me. How was Jack's?" I take my jacket off and put it on the hook. Then I set Ty's clothes in a bag so I can take it back to him.

"It was good, how was Ty's? You two seemed to be hitting it off." We didn't talk much after we split up at the party, so I don't know how much she saw.

Still, I decide to give her a disclaimer, "Nothing happened, I stayed in his sister's bed." Just then I notice the dozen roses in a vase on my desk. "Who are those for?"

Katie takes the card from the top and hands it to me. I read it, "It's from Ty." Katie says for me. "Are you sure nothing happened?"

I hold the card out for her to take back, not understanding why he would send me flowers. "I'm sure, he's just really nice." Plus he helped me see what was holding Shawn back.

My roommate puts the card back in the middle of the flowers, "I still can't believe his sister made out with Jack right in front of me."

Layla seemed so nonchalant about the whole thing. Like it really was her just saying hi. "It makes a little bit of sense, they have a history."

Katie looks up at me questionably, "What do you mean a history?"

I'm not sure it's my place to say but she deserves to know about the guy she's seeing. "Layla told me he was an orphan with them, and they were in the foster system together. Apparently he got adopted but they didn't." I can't imagine it's easy to adapt siblings together. They're also a few years younger than Jack.

"Wow, I had no idea."

I stand up and go smell the flowers, they're actually very beautiful. "You should talk to him, you two barely even know each other." She likes him, he was more than a hookup. I want to talk to Jack as well, maybe figure out how he got over his trauma. Layla telling me about Jack Briers was a good thing if I can help Shawn in the end.

"You're right." She tosses my shower caddy to me, I catch it. "You should get ready, I'll be heading to class in half an hour." I nod, grabbing a towel and leaving the room.

Later that day, I walk into Sam's apartment building and knock on his door. When he answers, his shirt is off and he's wet. "Livia, I was just taking a quick shower."

He opens the door for me to come in but I hesitate. "I can come back later or-"

Sam interrupts me, "Don't be ridiculous, you're already here." He walks to the back of the hallway and quickly returns with a shirt on. "Let's go into my office." I walk to his office, setting my bag down on his coffee table. "So, where did we leave off in class today?"

I think back to his lecture, trying to figure out the best way to summarize it. "We talked about rates of women reporting sex crimes."

He nods moving to sit beside me with his briefcase. Sam pulls out his laptop and a small packet. "Exactly, this is the review for our first test. It's the week before fall break. I want you to go through it and answer all of the questions up to the lesson we had today. That way I can see if you're eligible to tutor for my class."

Sam offers me a pen and sits back on the couch. I take it and read through the packet, answering each question to the best of my knowledge. It's a lot easier than I thought it would be. Maybe he's going easy on us for our first test. Either way, I go through it in about fifteen minutes and hand it back to my professor. "This is very good." He tells me. "You missed a couple of questions but I'm not surprised, they're difficult to remember. Here, let me show you." Sam pulls out his own notes on the questions I missed and goes over them with me. I take the time to learn as much as I can from him so I can tutor.

"If I tutor then are we staying at school instead of your apartment?"

Sam smirks, "Why? You don't like my apartment?"

I shake my head, "No, it's not that it's just-" He places his hand on my knee. I move away as politely as I can, "-I live closer to the school." I say.

"I understand and to answer you question, yes, we will be at the school." I notice it's around that time for me to leave. So I stand up and grab my bag, "Livia wait, can I ask you something?"

I look at him, he's just as attractive as Katie continues to mention. I have a feeling there's more to Sam than looks. The way Ty said we have internal instincts, mine kick in when I'm around Sam. It's just a look that he gets in his eyes, like there's a hidden agenda or something. "Sure." I respond, preparing myself for whatever he might want to ask.

"You and Morgan, you seem close." My body tenses, is he implying that we're anything more than teacher and student?

I offer him a small smile, "Is there a question in there somewhere?"

Sam walks up to me, just a couple of feet away. "I guess I'm curious if you two are anything more?"

I keep a straight face, trying not to give anything away. "This is a big city, Professor Sam. It helps me adjust to have someone here that I know. I guess we are more than teacher and student. I'd like to think of him as my friend." I hope this convinces him.

Sam looks at me for a moment before deciding if I'm lying. "I'll see you tomorrow, Livia."

"See you."

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