LXXX- Civil Union

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The schedule that Shawn emailed me is Katherine's. I'm supposed to walk up to her before class and apologize. I'm supposed to be the bigger person. Then later today, I'm supposed to show up to Professor Sam's office and be his new "intern." The last time I was a teacher's assistant, I fell in love with my teacher. I think it's safe to say that this will be some new territory for me.

Still, I need to focus on one thing at a time. I walk over to room 204, Katherine should be coming out any second. I lean against the wall, watching as all of the other students pile out. Soon, Katherine walks out with Leo's arm hanging around her. I get off of the wall, trying to catch up to her. "Katherine." I call out. They both stop and turn to me.

Her eyes narrow immediately, it's then that I notice her purple and swollen nose. "What do you want?" She spits.

The more I hesitate to respond, the more I think this was a bad idea. "Can we talk?"

Leo looks between the both of us. He looks different in the daylight, more pale and thin. He's almost the exact opposite of his friend Devon. "I don't have anything to talk about." Katherine dismisses me, turning to walk away before Leo grabs her shoulders and turns her back around.

"I think you should hear her out."

Katherine sighs, watching me as if it's my turn to talk next. I take that opportunity, even though Leo is still here. Maybe it's good we have a witness. "I just wanted to apologize for the other night. It wasn't fair for me to get mad." I look up at Leo, not knowing how much about our past Katherine has told him. "If I were you, I'd still be in love with him too."

"Leo, can we have a minute?" He agrees, walking away from the two of us. "Let's just be honest here, okay? You're only apologizing because you're scared I'll tell your dirty little secret and get him fired. Don't try pretending like you know anything about me." I think the problem is that I know way too much about her.

A part of me understands that she has a point, I am afraid she'll tell someone about us. "Of course I don't want you to get Shawn fired. You have that power, but I actually am sorry. I was defending myself the other night, you hit me first and I reacted. I didn't have to come find you and try to make things right. I'm doing this because I don't think you're a bad person. We just happen to be in love with the same man." I'm not convinced that she's actually in love with him but to her it feels real. She knows even with me out of the way, he'll never go for her again. So I'm not the enemy here.

Katherine scoffs. "So what? You want to be friends now?" I think back to what Hunter told me, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

I brush off her sarcastic comment and hold my hand out for her to take, "No, but we can at least be allies."

To my surprise she shakes my hand and accepts my apology. "If you had broken my nose I would've told you to fuck off." She says.

I nod, "I would've understood."

Her arm drops back down to her side, "I should get to my next class."

When she's gone I let out a deep sigh of relief. That went better than I thought.

"Hey you." Shawn says as I walk into his office. "Have a seat."

I shake my head, "I can't stay. I'm on my way to Professor Sam's. I just thought I'd say hello."

Shawn frowns, "Wait, interning?" I nod. "You're not seriously thinking about interning for him are you?" I get the sense of deja vu in his statement. Dean had asked the same question about being Shawn's TA.

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