CXLIV- Viva La Livia, Again

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On Monday night, I walk into a busy diner. Katie doesn't work today, so she's in the corner booth. I don't miss that her shirt is collared, expensive, and more like a dress on her. "Does Jack not have a washer in that pent house of his?" I question, amused.

She rolls her eyes playfully, "No, he does." Katie lifts the fabric of the shirt, "This is luxury right here. I can't explain to you how comfortable his clothes are."

"Please don't, I might get jealous." I joke in a sarcastic tone.

Katie grunts in response while pulling a few books from her bag. At the same time, I take out my laptop and notes. "Getting my degree feels meaningless with Jack." Katie admits. "Don't get me started on my forensic class."

"You should take my sociology class. It's easy, plus you learn what drives criminals to-you know-commit crimes." We begin talking about our different classes and the assignments for them. Our server, Ashley, takes our order and tries her best not to interrupt our discussions.

After about two hours, the sun has set and we're all studied out. "I'll pay up front." I say, grabbing the check and walking up to the cash register. Ashley checks me out, "keep the change." I tell her.

"Thanks. You know, you should work here. You hang out here a lot anyway." Ashley suggests, surprising me.

Am I really here that much? "Yeah actually, do you have an application?" I don't want to work here right away, but with a baby coming I should make some extra money.

Ashley hands me a card with a website on it, "Go to that link and fill out the application through there. I'll tell my manager to keep an eye out."

I take it and put it in my wallet. "Thanks, see you later." We say our goodbyes and I turn to leave. Just as Katie and I meet at the door, Seth walks in.

"Hey Seth." Katie greets, seeing him first.

He smiles at her but the second he sees me, his smile falters. "Is something wrong?" I ask, not sure why he's not happy to see me.

Seth tightens his jaw, "I don't like liars, Livia."

"Excuse me?" I question, completely shocked. "Did Hunter say something to you?"

The look of confusion crosses his face and I know Hunter had nothing to do with it. "Please, Hunter is wrapped around your finger just like everyone else." Seth leans in close, I can feel his breath on my face. "I'm not anymore. I know who you really are and how you treat people."

"That's really rude." Katie chimes in. "You need to back off, Cujo."

Seth turns his gaze on her, "Careful who you're friends with, Katie. I know I am." He warns before leaving back out the door.

Seth really left because I was here. "What the hell was that about?" I voice out loud. I've had a lot of strange interactions but that one takes the cake.

If he's not talking to Hunter then who the hell is he talking to? "Ignore him, let's just go back to the dorms." Katie tugs on my arm.

I let her lead me out of the diner and back to my car. Seth looked pissed off and hurt, two things I've never seen from him. It worries me more than I'd like to admit. Like a gut feeling that things are about to get very bad for me. The ride back is short and confusing. Seth has never acted that way towards me, or anyone for that matter. "I can practically hear you overthinking." Katie mentions as we walk to our room.

I sigh, "Well one of my closest friends called me out for something I'm not even sure about." I pause as Katie begins to unlock the door. "Do you think he knows about Shawn and I?" Or that I'm pregnant? Or the other hundred things I've kept from him since the day we met. He's right, I am a liar.

"I guess I forgot to lock it." Katie responds, completely off topic, as she opens the door without needing the key. "Oh my God." She says as we walk inside. Katie points to the dozen red roses on my bed. "Those weren't there the last time I checked."

I walk up to them and grab the white card with the same message as the last two times. "It just says my name." I inform Katie, as I let the paper slip between my fingers and fall. "Ty is taking this a little too far. I'm calling him now."

Katie closes the door and locks it as she sets her bag down and sits on her bed. "Breaking and entering is a little crazy when he could just send you a message."

The second I find his contact, the phone is dialling. Ty answers on the third ring. "Hey Livia, it's been a while." I can picture his smirk through the phone.

"Yeah, I appreciate the flowers and everything but breaking in is taking it a bit far don't you think?" My eyes flicker between Katie and the roses.

He shuffles on the other end. "I'm flattered that you think of me every time you get flowers, but I haven't sent you anything."

"W-what? Are you sure?" No one else would send me flowers.

 "I'm sure." He replies, matter of factly.

Next thing I know, Layla is on the phone. "Hey, maybe that scrumptious boyfriend of yours sent them to you."

My confusion grows. "When did you meet Shawn?"

"He didn't tell you?" Layla says in a pouty voice. "Hm, I thought we had a memorable connection."

Ty talks next. "My sister kept her claws to herself, don't worry."

"I'm not worried." I'm surprised he kept meeting them from me, but I trust Shawn. "Listen, I have to go."

"Tootles." Layla and Ty say in unison.

I hang up first, dropping my phone in my lap. Katie looks at me for answers but I have none. "They're not from Ty, and Shawn had no idea where the one's at his house came from."

"So someone actually broke in to deliver these?" The thought itself is terrifying. "That's a scary thought." She voices.

At least they're not directed to her, but to me. "Maybe I just have a secret admirer." I say, knowing it doesn't make me feel better.

Katie physically shudders. "Creepy."

"No kidding." I add. I pick up the roses from my bed. They're my favorite, and beautiful, but they're sending a message. One that I'm not understanding.

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