CLXV- Ultimatum

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Shawn hovers over me, his arms on either side of my head as he looks down. I lift up and press my fingers against his bare chest. I can feel him shiver from my touch alone. I grab the back of his neck and pull him to me. His lips are soft and every movement is flawless. It feels so natural here with him. It feels like we're the only two people on earth. He pulls away from me for a moment, his swollen lips forming into a sweet smile.

A loud crying sound interrupts us. Shawn looks defeated as he gets off of me, "I have to get him."

I grab him to pull him back to the bed. "You got Matthew last time." We kiss quickly before I pick his shirt up off of the floor to put on. When I get to the door he stops me.

"Livia." My name slides off his tongue so gently, almost like he never said it at all. I want him to say it again. "I love you."



I open my eyes. "Livia." Ty hovers over me, the thin chain around his neck dangling in front of my eyes. "Good morning." Blinking a few times, I take a second to realize I was just dreaming.

It was a very cruel dream. "What time is it?" I feel around for my phone only to realize Ty has it in his hand.

Ty hands it over to me and sits up straight. "It's noon. I let you sleep in since we got in late last night."

I move the blankets off of myself and get up. "I have a shift at the diner, I have to go." I have to shower and go to work like I didn't dream about my ex and his baby. Like I didn't dream about a family I choose not to be a part of. I need to get a grip.

"I already let Katie know. She was late too." Katie left before I did. I stayed back to meet the band, then Ty had to count his drawers and tip everyone out. We didn't get back to my place until three in the morning. By the time Ty took me back to my place I told him to stay the night. Which would be fine if I wasn't dreaming about Shawn and late to work. "I'm thinking about talking to Layla about the bar tonight."

I grab a shirt from my dresser and continue talking to him. "Yeah? That's good." The shirt I'm holding is one of Shawn's. Ty doesn't notice so I switch it out for one of mine.

"If you still meant what you said last night-" Ty takes a moment then continues, "You won't need your job at the diner anymore." Right, we talked about if Layla leaves.

I cross my arms over my chest and nod to him, "Nothing's happened yet. For now I still have a job." Even then I haven't had a chance to think about the internship with Jack.

Ty walks over to me, "I'm sure I'm just making this up but, are we okay?" His eyes soften and he takes my hands. "If you're having second thoughts about working with me then-"

I press my lips against his, cutting him off in the process. Ty is who I'm with now. I saw Shawn and had one dream. It made me forget for two minutes that I'm here with someone else. We pull away slowly, "We're good. I promise." I'm done hyper fixating on the past.

"Got it." He sweetly replies. "I'll leave you to get ready."

"Thanks." We kiss again and I walk my boyfriend out.

I close the door behind him and sigh. I'm a terrible girlfriend. This isn't what moving on looks like. This is the opposite of moving on. Frustrated, I get ready for work and focus on anything other than a stupid dream.

I stop myself on the way to the bathroom. The wall mirror hanging up grabs my attention and I take one last look at myself before leaving. Bits and pieces of me are still looking back at me. Like my tired eyes and unbrushed hair. I need to get my shit together. Just like Shawn has.

"Hey, what's up Jenny?" I ask into the phone.

Ty looks up at me with a raised eyebrow while Jenny talks through the speaker. "Have you checked your mail yet?"

"Um, I'm pulling into my complex now. Give me a second." Ty drops me off at the front entrance and goes to park. I rush to my mailbox and open it up. Inside is a couple of bills for the apartment and a wedding invitation from Jenny. "Oh my God, Jenny!" I scream in excitement. "Are you fucking getting married?!" The other people checking mail look at me questionably.

Jenny winces, "Okay I know it's a late notice but listen, you've had a lot going on and the last thing I want is to overwhelm you."

"I'm not upset Jen, I'm happy for you. If you told me sooner I would've come down and helped you with this." I close my mailbox and begin my journey to my apartment.

Jenny sighs on the other end. "It's all just so last minute, but your parents have been a Godsend. They pulled this off, not me." My parents are known for pulling off the time sensitive. It's how their business has boomed as much as it has.

"I'm glad they've been helpful." I put my key in the door and step inside my apartment. "Next time a huge event like this happens though, please tell me about it. I want to be there for you guys. Just because I'm in New York now doesn't mean I can't fly out." I don't want them to think I have too much going on, when in reality I'm fine. Dean got what was coming to him and he's gone. Shawn and I broke up, but I'm still fine. I'm picking up the pieces and going forward, isn't that what people are supposed to do?

Jenny laughs nervously, "Okay, I promise, Livia. I have to go but we'll talk soon?"

We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. I set the invitation on my counter right beside my keys. "Hey." I jump when Jack sits up from my couch.

"The door was locked, how did you...?"

Jack shrugs as if it was no big deal. "I wanted to see if you have decided on the internship yet."

"And you couldn't pick up the phone?" I walk over to my fridge and grab a water bottle. "Seriously, how did you get in?"

Jack leans on my counter, his arms right beside the invitation to Jenny's wedding. "Your door wasn't unlocked when I got here. I locked it when I got inside."

"Oh." I hand him his own water and lean against my counter. "I haven't decided on an answer yet. I want to, but I haven't had a chance to tell Ty about it yet."

Jack nods, "Well unfortunately this is a limited time offer." Jack picks up the invitation and reads June 12th, "Especially since it starts the Monday after Jenny and Jake's wedding. You'll have to congratulate them for me." Jack sets it back down and turns his attention to an envelope in his suit pocket. Jack hands it to me, "This is your orientation information." I take the envelope from him. "I hope you decide to come work for us. I think this can be good for you, Livia." With that, Jack grabs his water and heads to the door.

His hand grabs the door handle when I say, "Wait, I'll do it."

He turns. "You will? I thought you needed to talk to Ty first?"

I shake my head, this is what I really want to do. "I don't need his permission."

"Okay then." Jack says, "I'll let Shawn know the good news." He waves goodbye before leaving my apartment.

As he leaves I let out a deep breath. Who knows why I just did that. The smart thing would've been to talk to Ty and see what he says about it. He doesn't tell me what to do but we're in a relationship. Isn't the communication key?

I acted irrationally. My dream from last night must've gotten to me more than I thought. Because the thought of going into an internship, and seeing him everyday, is the real reason I acted so quickly. 

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