CI- Negotiation

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A/N: Don't worry, bigger and better things coming tomorrow. Stay tuned!

The next day I woke up and headed to the library on campus. With everything that's been going on, I've fallen a little behind on my school work. So I take the morning to grab way more caffeine than I should and get to work.

Now that I'm not Sam's intern anymore, some of the pressure from that job is off. I'm still not happy about the situation but at least it's one less thing I have to worry about. It's still early, and I have classes soon so I have to keep an eye on the time.

About half an hour before I have to be in Shawn's classroom, I notice Hunter walk in. He notices me immediately so I wave him over to me. "Long time no see." He comments, taking a seat across from me.

I frown, "My life has gotten a little crazy, sorry." I apologize.

Hunter taps his fingers on the table, "Anything you'd want to mention?"

I look around to see that it's just us in the area. So I lift my hand up and count down. "Shawn and I broke up, I almost had sex with a rich stud named Ty, Bee came down and we both walked in on Katherine and my professor Sam about to have sex, Bee found out about Katherine and Shawn's past, Katie found out about Shawn so to explain my side I showed her my journal with everything that happened last year in it," I pause to breathe. "Shawn and I got back together, and I lost my internship with professor Sam." Not exactly in order but that's the gist of it. Aside from the fact that Jack is Shawn's long lost brother. Before he has time to ask questions or process anything I smile up at him. "What about you? Are you and Seth still kissing?"

Suddenly Hunter's face gets red and I come to realize that he's blushing. "We might've done a little more than kissing."

My jaw drops, like I'm from a cartoon. "What"

"No, we haven't gotten there yet. So at first it was one drunk kiss, it wasn't supposed to mean anything. Then out of nowhere and completely sober, Seth leans in and kisses me. It was hot, like, insanely hot. He asked me questions about the things he was feeling and why he also felt them with women. I explained there's nothing wrong with being bi-sexual and so he took some time to reflect on what that meant for him. Now we're sneaking around having a fling and I have no idea where it's going but I like it." I think back to Joseph and how hurt he was when it ended between them. I don't want him to get hurt like that again, especially by a friend.

I reach across and grab his hand. Happy for him but concerned at the same time. "Just be careful okay? I don't know what whirlwind of confusion is going through Seth's head right now. I don't want you to get mixed up and get hurt."

Hunter has always had such a big heart, and I know Seth is super sweet but still. Hunter nods, squeezing my hand. "Believe me no one wants him to figure his sexuality out more than me. I'm playing it safe."

I think back to when everyone was painting my room and they looked at each other in a way I could only explain as admiration and smile. "Good. I have to get to class but please don't be a stranger." I pickup my stuff and reach down to kiss Hunter's cheek before rushing out of the library.

I get to Shawn's class a little early, making us the only two people in the room. It almost feels like old times. Then, someone knocks on the door coming inside and revealing Sam.

My eyes narrow, zeroing in on the two of us. "I was hoping I could speak to Livia for a moment."

I inaudibly laugh, meanwhile, Shawn is staring him down. "I'm about to start class." I say, gesturing to my teacher.

Sam smiles tightly, "It'll just take a minute, I promise."

I know Shawn wants to speak for me but this situation is awkward enough without him stepping into it. Both of them know about each other, about me. Yet we're all just pretending it doesn't exist. "People are about to start coming in, you have five minutes. Use my office." Shawn says, pointing to the office door in the corner of the room.

I sigh, standing up and leading the way into my boyfriend's office. After the door has been closed, I turn to him. "You already fired me, I'm not sure what else you could do." Kick me out of his class I suppose. Then again, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Sam stuffs his hands inside his brown suit pants, trying to offer me a smile. "I actually wanted to apologize for what happened. I was drunk and clearly not myself."

"So you didn't hire me to get in my pants?"

He stops, opening his mouth and then closing it like a fish. "Okay, I did, but I shouldn't have fired you because you wouldn't sleep with me. That was gross misconduct and a shitty thing to do."

"No shit." I mumble under my breath.

I look at the huge clock on the wall behind Sam, "Three more minutes and then we both of us have to go."

He glances over his shoulder, to the clock behind him. "Look, I want you to be my intern again. I promise I'll never pull anything like that again."

I cross my arms over my chest. "No."

He takes a deep breath, clearly frustrated by my refusal. "Please, you won't have to come to my apartment. It'll be strictly in school and professional." I should tell him to fuck off and that I've had enough of men thinking they can do whatever they want. When Sam sees that I'm not budging, he sighs and moves to the door. "If you change your mind, you know where I'll be. I'll see you in class, Livia."

I walk out of the office, shutting the door behind me. Sam leaves the classroom without even so much as goodbye to Shawn. "Is everything okay?" Shawn asks at the same time other students start to pile in. I offer him a small nod and head back to my seat, waiting for class to begin. I can't for the life of me figure out why he would be apologizing and asking me to come back. All I know for sure is that I can't trust him, and if he wants me to come back it's going to take negotiations.

I watch as Shawn begins class, he's so calm and collected when he teaches. Maybe it's because he plans ahead. Either way it's calming me down just seeing him work. If I want my internship back, I'm going to have to talk to Shawn about it first.

Once class lets out I stay back, knowing the conversation shouldn't take long. "So." I begin, drawing out the word and walking up to him. "Sam wants me to be his intern again."

Shawn moves some of his papers on his desk, "Are you going to do it?" He asks.

His response surprises me, I half expected him to tell me it was a bad idea. "If I do then I'm setting boundaries. He's not allowed to fire me unless I'm not doing my job, I need a better schedule, and it'll only take place on school grounds."

Shawn nods, looking up at me, "I think it's smart to set boundaries."

"You do?" I question.

He offers me a small smile, "I just don't want you to get hurt. If at any point you feel uncomfortable with him again, get out of there."

"Well, I still want to think about it. I'll give him an answer by the end of the day."

Shawn looks at the door, noticing it's closed. He closes the space between us and wraps his arms around my waist. "It's a shame I can't offer an internship, I'm sure you'd be great at it." Unfortunately, his subject doesn't meet the guidelines for anyone except history majors.

I lift up and kiss his lips, missing the way they feel on mine. We pull away all too soon and I realize, I can't wait to come out to my parents. I don't know why I fought it for so long but, they deserve to know the man I'm with. "I love you." I say, completely unrelated to the topic at hand.

He kisses me one more time, whispering how much he loves me on my lips.

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