CXIV- It's All Going to be 'A' Okay

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I walk upstairs and open Shawn's door slowly. He's sitting on the bed, looking moments away from falling apart completely. I slip inside the room, close the door, and lean against it. "You never told me any of that stuff before." Not to that extent at least.

Shawn doesn't look up at me to respond. "I don't want your pity."

I move to sit beside him, noticing how tense he seems."Good because you're not getting it."

"I'm not?"

I shake my head. "You never gave me pity, you gave me hope."

"You sound like a cheesy romance novel." He chuckles, looking up at me for the first time since I entered the room.

I grab his hand. "Maybe but, I'm being serious. Our lives are fucked up and dramatic but- I'm here for it. Besides," I lift my other hand up and move his hair out of his face. "Do you know how many people would kill to see a dead loved one again? Yours never died, and he's downstairs going to extreme lengths to get to know you."

Shawn groans softly, "I hate it when you make sense."

"Bullshit." I say with a smile.

"Bullshit?" He questions.

I lean in and press my lips against his, any previous anger towards him completely dissipated. "You love me."

He squeezes my hand. "You have no idea how much." Then his face gets serious as he looks at me. "I'm sorry about everything I said last night. I didn't mean any of it, I was just trying to get to you. I guess a part of me wanted you to feel as bad as I did."

"It's okay, you weren't entirely wrong I-"

"Yes," He interrupts. "I was wrong. Don't think for a second that I thought you ever used me. It wasn't like that and we both know it."

"Okay." I agree, standing up and pulling him up with me. "Now come on, let's take this one step at a time." I don't know if it's because it's been such a long day, or because he's tired of fighting, but he makes his way out with me quietly.

It's silent downstairs, no one makes a sound while Shawn walks in the living room. Either everyone is on edge, or curious to see what happens next. I'm personally both. Shawn walks up to Jack, a few feet away but within arms reach. He holds out his hand and says, "Hi, my name is Shawn Morgan and...I'm your brother."

Shock is evident on Jack's face but only for a second. He quickly pulls himself together, taking Shawn's outreached hand and shaking it. "It's nice to finally meet you, Shawn. My name is Jack Briers."

Shawn pulls away first, taking a step back. "Well, now that that's over with uh, you might as well stay here. It looks like we have a lot of catching up to do."

I know it's probably weird but, I'm so proud of him. Shawn is such a wholesome person, and he's finally letting Jack in on that. I love him more than anything in this entire world, and even though it's wrong for us to be together, I'm so glad he's mine.

"I'm going to make some food, who's hungry?" I announce.

Everyone turns to me, "I know I'm starving." Katie says.

Dianne laughs, "Famished, come on, I'll help."

I stop her, "Thanks but Katie and I got it covered. You should stay here and talk."

I pulled Katie out of there because this situation called for some family alone time. "Are you as surprised by that outcome as me?" Katie asks as we get out the supplies.

I stop momentarily to answer her, "Actually, no." We prepare everything quietly, making enough sandwiches for everyone. When we're done, I set the platter down, along with some plates, on the table. "Food is ready!" I call, grabbing some napkins and paper plates.

The three of them shuffle in, Jack takes the seat beside Shawn. I don't question it and sit down beside Katie and Dianne. This all feels so surreal, like their first meal together as a real family or something. It didn't go as planned but I couldn't have asked for a better outcome.

"Turkey with tomato, your favorite." Shawn says, handing me a plate with my own sandwich on it. I smile, feeling my cheeks heat up for absolutely no reason other than happiness. I take the plate from him and thank him.

Dianne starts the conversation, "I'm going to have to make some more trips to New York from now on."

"It would be nice to get together more in the future." Jack adds.

Shawn's mind seems to be somewhere else. "What about your parents?"

"What about them?"

He takes a bite of his food. "Well they practically kidnapped you. There's bound to be some kind of tension there."

Jack nods, "They'll get what's coming to them. Don't you believe in Karma?"

Shawn's eyes flicker to me before answering. "No, not really."

"Boys," Dianne warns, "I plan on confronting Wilson the next time I'm in New York. Until then let's just...enjoy each other's company yeah?"

"Yeah." They both say in unison. I don't know what Dianne has planned but I know Jack wants to offer him a job. If and when that happens, I'll support whatever Shawn's decision is just like planned.

The Next Day...December 27th

"Are you ready?" Shawn asks, walking down with our bags.

We're about to leave for the airport, Jack and Katie are already waiting in the car. "Yeah, just let me put my coat on." I reach for it and put it on, zipping it up and stuffing my hands in my pockets.

I freeze when I feel the bag with the pregnancy test inside. "Livia? Are you okay?"

Yeah, I just completely forgot I might be pregnant. "I'm fine." I gesture for him to go first and slip the bag in my suitcase while he isn't looking. The test can wait, at least until we're back in New York.

Getting through the airport is a breeze, and it's not long before we're on the plane. I try to relax and stay calm for the most part. My attention is better focused on Shawn, "Hey." I say, pointing to his wrist. "You're wearing the watch." I don't know how I missed it before.

"Yeah." He looks at it, "It was a really amazing gift, thank you." Reaching into his pocket, Shawn pulls out a box in itself and hands it to me. "It's not sentimental but I'm hoping you like it just the same."

After everything that went down these past few days, I wasn't really expecting a present. "Thank you." I say, untying the small bow on it and opening the box.

Before I can ask what it is, Shawn tells me. "It's a key to my apartment. I know you said you weren't ready to move in but I-"

I lean in and kiss him, not knowing I wanted something like this until it happens. "I want to move in with you."

"You do?" His perfect eyebrows crinkle in confusion.

I nod, pulling away and looking at the silver key as if it's a diamond ring. "I've thought about it, and technically you're not my professor anymore so it'll be fine. I'd like to keep the dorm for pretenses though. At least for this next semester." Besides, my parents already paid for it for the full year.

Shawn smiles. "Y-yeah that sounds perfect. Smart." He grabs my face and kisses me. I can feel how excited he is and it warms my heart. A year ago I was crying to my mom about him not wanting to be with me. Now our lives revolve around each other, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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