CXLIX- Boomerang

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    I stand up and adjust the strap of my bag. "Goodbye, Dean."

    As I begin to walk past him, he jets out his hand and grabs a hold of my arm. Dean pulls me in close. I can feel his hot breath fanning my face, and smell his cologne. "Why do you always have to open that beautiful mouth of yours?" He asks, while tightening his grip. "Your words hurt me, Livia."

    "I-I'm sorry." I was so close to leaving, to having stood up for myself and walking away. My attempts to wiggle my arm free fail. He's like a snake, wrapping himself tighter and tighter around me. "Please let go of my arm."

    Dean smirks, "You always were good at the submission part."

    I want to roll my eyes, to kick and scream until he lets me go. I know it won't help, it'll only make things worse for me in the end. So I just talk. "If you really came here to show me you've changed, then let me go. Let's"

    To my surprise, Dean lets go of my arm. "Fine, lets talk at my hotel."

    I force a smile, "Why don't we go somewhere public? Like coffee in the morning or-"

    "Now, Livia." He's done waiting, I know that. I just don't want to get hurt anymore. "It's just one drive, I promise. We'll talk and if you want me to take you home after, then I will." He's lying, he has to be. He didn't come this far to let me go home.

Before I can respond, Dean stands up and grabs my hand as he guides me through the library. For a second I try to slip out of his grasp but it's too tight. "I should tell my ride that I'm not leaving with him." I say.

Dean leans in close, then he whispers in my ear, "I think we can deal with him later, yeah?" I only muster up a small nod in response. I have my phone in my bag, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that he'll take it from me if he sees it.

We make it all the way up to the front desk when Professor Sam walks in. The three of us almost bump into each other. "Sorry Livia, I was sort of in a rush to get inside. It's freezing out there."

Dean grabs my arm just like he used to. "Sam, yeah it's fine." I hastily reply. When he gives my arm a little squeeze, I know to wrap this up. Not this time though, "Uh, this is Dean. Dean, this was my Criminal Justice Professor, Sam."

Sam jets out his right hand to shake, "Nice to meet you, Dean." It forces Dean to let go of my arm to shake his. I let out a small breath of relief. "I've never seen you around Livia before." Sam mentions aloud. Professor Sam Wilkins, as blunt as ever.

"I'm her boyfriend, we separated for college but-" Dean turns to look at me in a loving manner. "-I came back for her." The pocket knife lets up from my back. Almost as if he really wants me to believe the things coming out of his mouth.

I wish to God the man in front of me could tell I don't want to be with him. "Oh? How long have you guys been together?" He thinks I'm cheating on him with my teacher. He's wrong though, that was last year's story.

"We're actually not-"

Dean grabs my arm again and steps in. "For about four years."

Sam looks like he's just heard the biggest scandal in the entire school. Maybe he has's a big school. "I see, well, I should get back to work before tutoring. It was nice to meet you, Dean." They shake hands again. Then Sam nods to me before walking away, "Livia."

We exit out of the back door, and like he had mentioned, he leads me to his car parked just outside. It's not his old car, but a rental. "Who was that? Another teacher you seduced?" He questions in a sultry tone.

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