CXVLIII- Where We Began

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When I wake up in the morning, Shawn isn't there. He left a note on the nightstand telling me he had to go into work and to stay put. I didn't even hear him leave. I roll out of bed and try to start my day. My reflection in the mirror is drained. I have bags under my eyes that make me look as if I've been punched. I look away and start the shower.

The water is hot over my skin, nice actually. I feel my muscles relaxing more and more so I close my eyes and drink in the feeling. Life hasn't been simple for a very long time but showers never change. Showers always remain the one constant in all of my chaos.

Of course once I step out and wrap the towel around my body, reality comes back to me. I called Eve and got sent to voicemail. I didn't say much, only asking for her to call me back. Then, I continue to get dressed and grab my bag. As I'm leaving the apartment, Jack calls me. "Hey." I greet quickly.

"I thought Shawn told you to stay put?"

I stop walking and look around, "Great, now I have two stalkers."

He chuckles on the other line, "Shawn filled me in at coffee this morning."

"You had time to get coffee this morning?" Shawn normally gets up at dawn to prepare for his classes. "I'm tired of feeling like I'm being watched. Where are you?" Rather than answering me, Jack hangs up on me.

I groan in frustration before seeing him with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Did you know this place has a coffee bar? I've got to get me one at the office." His tone is light, suggesting he's trying to make the best out of my situation.

Ignoring his comment, I start walking. "I don't have time for a babysitter, I need to get to class."

Jack awkwardly sets the mug down on one of the tables. Then he walks out with me, following me down the steps. "I promised Shawn I would keep an eye on you."

I don't stop as I respond, "Don't you have a company to run or something?"

Jack is much taller than I am, meaning his legs are longer. He catches up to me in no time, walking by my side now. "My father has it covered. Besides, I'm trying to make a good impression."

Finally, I stop walking. He is here because Shawn asked him for a favor. "Fine. but you're not walking me to my classes."

Jack points to his car, "As long as I can drive you we have a deal." I roll my eyes as I agree and begin my path to his car. "Someones in a bad mood." Jack mumbles behind me.

When we make it to his car, he opens the passenger door for me before getting inside himself. "So," I begin, as we head to campus. "What all did Shawn tell you?"

Jack glances over to me. "Shawn only wants to protect you." He says instead of answering my question.

I nod, looking down at my ripped jeans. "I know." I sigh, "It's just been a really long couple of days."

"It sounds like it's been a long couple of years."

I look up at him, "Yeah, I guess you could say that." I'm hoping everything works itself out but so far it's just gotten more complicated. Like Christmas lights that refuse to untangle.

The rest of the ride is in silence. When we pull up to campus Jack puts the car in park. "What time does your last class let out?"


Jack smiles at me, "I'll see you at One-thirty then."

I grab my bag and step out of his car. The thought of Dean being on this campus tortures me but I push it down. I'm in public, and I haven't even seen him yet. Today is no different.

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