LXXXV- The Bigger Picture

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When Shawn steps into the shower, his hands grab either side of my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, needing to be close to him. "I went to a charity club event type of thing. Katie wanted me to go with her, because Jack invited her. I ended up meeting the hosts who happened to be the nicest people in the world. Ty, the male twin, danced with me, like this." I run my hands down his chest before turning around and pressing my behind against him. "That's when I told him I have a boyfriend." I turn back around and grab his face in my hands. "I had a few shots, ended up going home with him and his sister, and slept in her room. Her clothes didn't fit me so I borrowed his."

"He was flirting with you."

I reach up and kiss his lips. The water hits us, making it more sensual somehow. "I didn't act on it. I love you."

Shawn grabs my face, kissing me as hard and passionate as he can. I lean into it, moaning against his lips. I lower my hand, grabbing his already erect dick. I stroke him slowly, in a teasing manner. He sucks in a breath and closes his eyes with every movement. I love that I can make him feel good, in all of the pain he's felt lately.

Shawn stops me. We pull apart for a moment while he looks at the water hitting my body. "Turn around and put your hands up against the wall." I do as he says, spreading my legs shoulder-length apart, and putting my hands against the shower wall.

He grabs my hair and kisses my shoulder. I shudder under his lips. Shawn's fingers wrap around to the front of me. He rubs my clit while I moan in response. The faster he goes, the more my knees feel the need to buckle. He touches me in ways even my body can't handle.

"Please." I beg. Shawn stops rubbing me and does what I ask for. He pushes inside of me slowly at first. I feel every part of him inside of me and the pressure is so good. "Yes." I say.

Shawn picks up the pace, holding onto my hips now and using my body to meet his thrusts. He groans softly each time, it's such a soft sound but it let's me know he feels it too. How good we are when we're together and the heat between us. I'll never lose that feeling. He then puts his arm back around and begins rubbing me at the same time. I can't handle the tension that builds. Then, right before I'm almost over the edge he stops. "Do you trust me?" He asks. I nod, almost completely out of breath and words. "Good, tell me when you're about to come." Then he grabs my hips again and goes faster than before. Each time the tension builds more and more.

"Shawn...I'm gonna-" I moan and shut my eyes. Then he stops again and waits for my orgasm to fade but not completely. I'm in limbo, falling but not quite hitting the ground yet. Then he starts up again, mixing his face pace with what his fingers are doing to my clit. The tension builds once more, but this time he doesn't slow down. Suddenly, his arm wraps around my waist as he holds me up so that I can ride out my orgasm. It's more intense than anything I've experienced yet. My knees begin to shake and buckle, I feel waves of pleasure throughout my entire body while he holds me up. I scream and wait for it to subside while simultaneously wishing the feeling never goes away.

Shawn doesn't stop there, he continues to fuck me. Causing me to have another orgasm right after the first one. Then another, before his movement becomes sloppy and he succumbs to it himself. "Jesus Christ." I say, finally coming down from my very own high. That's the best thing I've ever felt in my life.

I stay still, leaning against the wall while Shawn uses the shower head to wash the both of us off. "Can you move your legs?"

"I don't think so." They're still shaking.

He smirks, turning the shower off and getting out first. Shawn takes one towel and wraps it around himself before using the other one to wrap around my body. He carefully picks up my body, bridal style, and carries me out to the room. I lay down in the bed, trying to figure out how what he just did to me is even possible.

He lays down beside me, laying on his right side. "I guess it's my turn to talk huh?"

I reach over and touch his face. "Please."

"You're really good at saying that word." He jokes before getting really serious. This is it, he's finally going to tell me everything. "When I was a kid my parents were so happy and in love. My dad's job required him to travel a lot between Colorado and New York. Over the summer, we would take a family trip to New York. Not too far from here. The company put us up in an apartment complex that they owned for the employees who traveled back and forth. It was cheaper than paying for a hotel, plus you could bring your whole family." He was nine, just a kid. "There's something else that you need to know before I continue." I meet his eyes. "When I say we went as a family, I mean my mom, dad, myself, and my older brother."

The shock on my face is evident. He never mentioned a brother, not once, not even his mom. "Shawn I-" I don't know what to say.

"He was twelve, and he wanted to spend time with our dad. I, on the other hand, threw a fit because I wanted to go out. So my mom offered to take me out for a couple of hours and my dad stayed home with my brother Gage. I don't even remember where we went, I just know I wasn't in the apartment." I close my eyes because I know where this is going and I can't stop it or change the story. "When we got back there were firetrucks and police and all I remember is my mom screaming and the fire they were trying to put out. Then, my dad's burned body was being carried away in a bodybag. They found some ashes under some ruble and said it must've been Gage's. Dianne blamed me for the next five years. She started drinking and sleeping around and my perfect family was gone. As far as I'm concerned, she died in that fire with them." My heart breaks for him, no one deserves that. Especially to be told it is his fault when it wasn't.

"Shawn...if you hadn't begged Dianne to leave, you would be dead right now." The thought of never even meeting him is more than I can handle.

His eyes begin to water, "I know that, but when I was growing up my mom never let me forget. Now that I'm an adult it's all my subconscious can think about."

I finally understand why he never wanted to acknowledge her as his mother. What I don't understand is why he never acknowledged he had a brother. "What about Gage? You've mentioned your dad but never him."

"I suppressed him the most. Dianne stopped talking about him and I always remembered he was a person and my brother, but I don't remember him like I do my dad." I want to learn more about his family, before the accident. I want the good with the bad but it might be too much for right now.

I lean in and kiss his lips and when I pull away, I just stare at him for a minute. "I'm not going anywhere."

Shawn wraps his arms around me, pulling me in close. I lay my head on his chest, " I didn't think you would leave me. I didn't tell you because I've never said that out loud before." He sniffles and begins rubbing small circles on my back. "So Jack and Katie, huh?"

I laugh, allowing him to change the subject. "Yeah, it's pretty weird." I remember Ty's words about how his dad also died in a fire. Maybe they can learn how they dealt with it from each other.

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