CL- I Ruin Everything

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TW Guys, this chapter is rough.


Right around the middle of the movie, Dean falls asleep with his head on my shoulder. I look around, seeing that my bag has been placed on the floor beside the couch. I slowly move my shoulder from under Dean's head and make sure there's a pillow to rest his head back on.

I turn my body to the side of the bed. My legs dangle over the edge and I reach down until my feet touch the floor. As quiet and slowly as I can, I stand up. I look over my shoulder to make sure Dean is still fast asleep. When I notice that he is, I tip toe across the room until I'm within reaching distance of my bag. I reach down and open it up, my phone is turned off in the inside pocket. The zipper takes me a while to do silently but as soon as it's open, my phone is in my hand.

Making sure my phone is on silent, I hold down on the power button. When the apple logo appears, I turn back to see Dean. He's still fast asleep, which means I might actually pull this off.

Within fifteen seconds, my phone is back on. I immediately message Shawn, sharing my location with the room number attached in a separate message. Dean stirs behind me so I put my phone back in my bag and stand up. "Liv? What are you doing?"

I turn around and smile, "I-have to use the bathroom." Looking down, I notice that the knife is in his hands. He's sitting up, playing with it.

His blonde hair is messy but his blue eyes are clear. "Don't lie to me. I'm not stupid, you were trying to message Morgan." Dean gets out of bed and walks over to me. I can't see through him anymore, which means his next move is completely unknown to me. "He's brainwashed you, baby. You think he loves you but he doesn't. That man just wanted a warm place to put his dick." It's ironic, considering that's all he could think about when we were together.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Dean." He couldn't be more wrong. Dean brainwashed me to believe I deserve nothing less than what he could offer. He made me think love went hand in hand with fear. He still does.

Dean smiles down at me. All I can focus on is the feeling of his hand caressing my face. "You know what? I don't want to fight about our past. Let's just move on from it."

I nod my head, "Okay."

Dean let's go of me, grabbing the knife and putting it back in his pocket. "I got something for us to try." Dean walks to the other side of the bed, he pulls out his suitcase from underneath the bed. I can't see what he's grabbing, so I stand there quietly. He pops back up momentarily, holding a Ziploc bag with two rolled up joints inside. "I sort of picked it up in California, since weed is legal there."

Dean walks back over to me, he gestures for me to sit on the couch. "When did you start smoking weed?" He sits next to me on the couch, so close to me that our legs are touching.

"When a few college buddies of mine did it. It's not hard you just have to-"

"I know how." I interrupt, knowing if we get into it, he'll expect me to try it with him.

Dean looks at me questionably. "Was it with Morgan?" I can tell he's asking out of jealousy.

I shake my head, "No, I was at a Halloween party. I don't like it."

Dean shrugs and begins to light it. As if saying, "More for me."

I watch as he smokes it, he looks so calm and casual. I notice how he inhales slowly and takes it in. Then he blows the smoke out, it smells like a skunk so I wave it away from me. Dean coughs and sits back in his chair. "This is all the medication I need."

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