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SAKUSA noticed the sudden fall of KOYAMA's mood as she turned off her phone and tossed it into her purse. The brunette looked out the window, and the rest of the car ride was silent. The raven let her be, knowing that KOYAMA would open up whenever she felt comfortable.

KOYAMA got out of the car first, and SAKUSA trailed behind her as she walked up to the elevator of the apartment complex. From time to time, the raven would glance at her. KOYAMA had a habit of rubbing her nails against each other, and SAKUSA had been peeved by it at first, but now, he knew that it was an indicator of nervousness.

The elevator doors opened, and they walked down the hallway until they stopped in front of their abode. SAKUSA took out the keys and unlocked the door. Placing one hand on the door, and the other against the small of KOYAMA's back, SAKUSA steered her into the apartment.

SAKUSA's touch was as light as a feather, and it sent a shiver down KOYAMA's spine. KOYAMA wanted to be bold, but she wasn't sure of him appreciating any more closeness than this.

Alas, KOYAMA wasn't the type to give her heart away in seconds. No, she had learned, not once, but twice, from her naïveté, and yet, KOYAMA's heart won over her dreaded over thinking, for the first time.


SAKUSA took in a sharp inhale as KOYAMA turned around to look him in the eye.

Sakusa, I want you
to call me by my name.

SAKUSA saw his vision blurring as unshed tears welled in his eyes. The girl in front of him, took a step forward, and he took a step forward as well. SAKUSA had never felt like he belonged somewhere.

But, here and now, SAKUSA felt like he belonged in her arms.

To him, this desire was foreign. He had always been irked by physical touch, but he didn't want that distance to exist between them.

Taking another step forward, SAKUSA leaned down slightly, and enveloped her in his arms.

KOYAMA's cheeks turned bright red, but without hesitation, she flushed her body against his and tightly wrapped her arms around his back. Her hands lay flat against his shoulder blades, and SAKUSA wasn't surprised by their coolness.


KOYAMA buried her face in the curve of SAKUSA's shoulder. She could feel, his heartbeat, against hers, and this was the moment in which she fell in love.

You can call
me by name too.

Kiyoomi, would you
mind if I called you

SAKUSA slowly let go of KOYAMA, but the raven kept his hands on her forearms. SAKUSA slid down his mask, and gifted her with a sight she'd never forget. Usually, SAKUSA's smiles were close lipped, but this time, he was smiling widely, for her.

KOYAMA looked at him with wide eyes, and SAKUSA absolutely loved her reaction.

Sure, no one's
called me that


Yeah, why not?

I had fun today
Kiyo, thanks for
cheering me up.

SAKUSA had wanted to ask what dampened her mood earlier, but he didn't want to ruin the moment, and decided against it.

You don't need to
thank me, after all,
this is just the
beginning of many
more dates.

I— well—,
that was very...
nice to hear.

That was unexpected,
but it's unnecessary
to hold back at this

You're right.

KOYAMA distanced herself first and walked further into the apartment. Before entering her room, she looked back at SAKUSA, to see that he was still observing her with fondness.

Uh, let me drop off my
stuff and I'll be right
back out. Can we plan
our second date together?

(hiding excitement)

MY ROOMIE NIGHTMARE  【佐久早  聖臣】Where stories live. Discover now