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Contrary to the belief of the KOMORI siblings, no matter how sour the relationship between SAKUSA and his father, the man did not set his son aside to have an unpleasant conversation during the holidays.

The man was stoic, strongly opinionated, and strict, but he wasn't a party pooper. At least, not today.

He'd made an interesting observation, and he wondered if his eyes were playing tricks on him. And the only way to quell his intrigue was to lay out all his thoughts for SAKUSA. Face to face.

The head of the family had always stayed out of his children's business, but after his daughter had surprised him with an engagement after dating her childhood best friend for only two weeks he had to make sure that his youngest son was perfectly sane.

Kiyoomi, I know the holidays
are special occasions, but you're not
planning to do anything outlandish
tonight, are you?

Outlandish how?

I don't know, maybe,
a proposal?

How long have the two of
you even dated? Your sister
left me blindsided with her
'casual' way of dropping the
news of her engagement. I hope
you don't follow her example in
that matter.

I am definitely serious about
Koyama, but I think we're far
from ready for a commitment
as grand as marriage.

Don't worry To-San,
I'm focusing on my studies
right now as it is.

(Sighs in relief.)
I was hoping to hear that.

I'm not that into surprises,
Koyama might be, but I'll
make sure it's nothing too out
of the blue when the moment
is right.

An awkward cough made the two tall men in the kitchen flinch.

Sorry, it's just me.
The two of you can relax!

Fool, you almost gave me
a heart attack. You could've
said something before barging in.

SAKUSA looked for a sign of anyone else, but there was no one. He finally allowed his heart to stop racing.  He wouldn't have minded if KOYAMA were to have overheard the conversation that had just taken place with his father, but he feared freaking her out with the intensity of his feelings for her that made him consider a life with her a possibility he just couldn't and wouldn't give up. 

SAKUSA could tell that KOMORI was over the moon after hearing said conversation. His cousin oftentimes joked around throughout their high school years, saying he'd probably see pigs fly before he'd ever see the SAKUSA KIYOOMI with a girlfriend. Much less a wife. But here they were and the one, ironically, without a girlfriend, was KOMORI.

SAKUSA would have to bring up the topic of the  'friends' KOYAMA once said she could set up with KOMORI. The man was looking more and more out of it, and his pride would certainly not allow him to ask KOYAMA about it again if she weren't the one to bring it up again first.

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