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The Sakusa household found itself turned completely upside down.

The Christmas family reunion they were hosting this year was half n hour away now and the meal of the night was nowhere near ready.

Not to mention the added mixture of anxiety and excitement building up in everyone's hearts as they awaited the proper introduction of their KIYOOMI's girlfriend was not helping the frenzy.

The door bell rang and everyone flinched, but MOMOKO calmed everybody down.


FUJI YUICHIRO was MOMOKO's childhood best friend, and her now fiancé.

MOMOKO swung the door open, and she was greeted by a crowd of three. Her eyebrows raised and her jaw dropped.


KOYAMA snuck a nervous glance at her boyfriend, but SAKUSA didn't look back, instead, he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

KOYAMA blushed as her heart fluttered with that amazing feeling of belonging: SAKUSA'S MY BOYFRIEND! I'M SO LUCKY!

KOYAMA was thrilled to meet his family, but she was also a nervous wreck. But now? That giddy smile on SAKUSA's face made her feel a thousand times more at ease than she'd ever felt in the last twenty-four hours that she'd spent convincing herself that everything would be okay.

Just a minute ago, KOYAMA had managed pretty well while being introduced to SAKUSA's older sister's fiancé, FUJI YUICHIRO. If she could handle meeting an extension of the family with grace, she was sure to do well with all of today's interactions, right?

But that assumption went down the drain as soon as SAKUSA's sister opened the door.

SAKUSA MOMOKO's eyebrows raised and her jaw slacked when her eyes met KOYAMA's.

The girl lost all of her confidence in a matter of seconds as she shied away from MOMOKO's stare by fixing her eyes on her pair of newly bought black heel boots.

Honey, you're going to
dig a hole in her face if you
keep staring at her like that.

I'm going to cry!
He finally brought a girl home!

KOYAMA laughed at that, and even though SAKUSA found himself embarrassed by his sister, he appreciated her unfiltered mouth that visibly cheered up his girlfriend. KOYAMA's countenance relaxed, and thus untied a knot in SAKUSA's stomach that caused a wave of butterflies. He wanted her to feel every ounce of happiness she'd never felt in a family before. Here and now. In the home of his childhood memories.

In that moment, SAKUSA savored the feeling of wanting to show her off. This was a sense of pride he'd never held before, and it was an overwhelmingly welcome sensation that burned in his chest like a furnace set ablaze.

MOMOKO ran up to the couple and tackled them into a hug.

KOYAMA's eyes widened in surprise.

SAKUSA chuckled at KOYAMA as he glanced at her sideways.

You guys are so cute together!
I didn't get the chance to say this
when you guys started dating, but,

MOMOKO pulled away from them but kept a gentle grip on KOYAMA's bicep.

Koyama-San, you should've seen
how panicked my brother was the
last time I saw him! The boy
didn't know what to do with himself
since you hadn't texted him all day!

MY ROOMIE NIGHTMARE  【佐久早  聖臣】Where stories live. Discover now