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KOYAMA walked toward the library, regrettably, without SAKUSA's company. The raven was called down to a councilor office by his volleyball coach. SAKUSA told her to go ahead without him, and with much hesitation, KOYAMA had left his side after sending him off with a small kiss on the cheek.

KOYAMA giggled to herself as she remembered how SAKUSA brought her into a side hug and whispered that she looked beautiful. Of course, the brunette was taken aback by his compliment, but KOYAMA was quick to accept SAKUSA's compliment, because she could intuit the genuineness in his voice.

If anyone had told KOYAMA that she'd end up with a boyfriend like SAKUSA, she'd be quick to shut the idea down. 1. She'd say he was too hot, and therefore out of her league. 2. She'd also say that his presence was too intimidating for her to ever approach him.

KOYAMA thought of how lucky she was to be born as KOYAMA CHO's younger sister, who would end up dating IIZUNA TSUKASA, who knew SAKUSA KIYOOMI, and would eventually introduce her to him, and vice versa.

This thought momentarily blew her mind.

KOYAMA felt a tap on her shoulder, and she jumped a few steps forward in surprise. Pulling out one of her earphones, KOYAMA turned around to face the individual who'd scared the life out of her.

KOYAMA's blood ran cold as she recognized the stranger standing in front of her with a mixture of disdain and anger in his eyes.

KOYAMA glanced around the library's premises but she saw not one familiar face, and she was filled with anxiety as she acknowledged that she needed help, but she couldn't bother a stranger to help her with personal matters.

You can't avoid me
forever Tsuru.

That's Koyama,
with honorifics,
to you.

I need to go,
please get out
of my way.

You blocked my messages,
and you blocked me on social
media, but you can't do
that right now.

What are you
doing here?!

(heavy with fear)
Please, let me go,
we have nothing to
say to each other

Stop making a scene,
I know how much you
hate burdening others,
look around, you're
making others uncomfortable.

KOYAMA inhaled sharply as she looked around, and it did seem like people were looking at her, maybe with worry, or pity, and even annoyance. KOYAMA felt the judgmental stares of the strangers walking past them fall upon her shoulders.

I thought I was jealous,
but looking at you now,
I see that's not the case.
You're still a stupid mistake
I made. I can't stand the fact
that you're happy while I'm
losing everything because of

NAKAMURA got a hold of KOYAMA's arms as she attempted to walk around him. The brunette squirmed under his grasp.

(Shaky voice)
Let me go!
You're hurting me!

How could someone
short tempered and
repugnant like you
be happier than me?
No one will love you
like I did.

Feeble minded people
like you are bound to
annoy people like him.
Do you want him to pity
you like everyone else?
or worse, ab—

GOSHIKI started running as soon as he saw KOYAMA's distressed expression from a distance. The stranger, whose face he couldn't see, had a familiar body frame, and this set off alarms in his head.


KOYAMA eyes landed on GOSHIKI. The brunette's heart sped up as relief momentarily coursed through her, but was soon washed away by the fear of GOSHIKI getting hurt because of her. KOYAMA could see the rage in his eyes, and she wasn't going to let him land a hit on the psycho in front of her, because she'd do it herself.

KOYAMA leaned backwards and with full force, swung at NAKAMURA's lower region. NAKAMURA immediately let go of her as he doubled over in pain and dropped to the floor. The brunette's eyes filled with angry tears, they trickled down her face, merged at her chin, and plummeted to the ground.

NAKAMURA could see the splatters of dark gray on the light colored concrete below KOYAMA as she kneeled close to the ground, hyperventilating, and shaking.

The red head was about to make a snide remark when a fist collided with his face.

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