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The Christmas party came to an end without another hitch.

SAKUSA made sure of it.

And KOYAMA had never been more sure of the decision she'd made to give love another chance. SAKUSA was the literal definition of her dreams come true. He was, by no means, a perfect Prince Charming, but he was positively charming in a way she hadn't imagined.

She knew exactly why she loved him now.

It was written in the way his eyes sparkled as he glanced over his mother's face, and the way he lent his father a listening ear full of respect, and much more in the way he laughed with his siblings at the dinner table.

He was her home.

A reflection of all the love he'd ever been given and had given in return to those who held him in their hearts.

KOYAMA knew that it was too soon for her to play out the movie of the rest of their lives together, but she couldn't help it.

She wondered how someone like her, full of so much pain had found herself in the heart of a man like SAKUSA. He was intricate with everything in his life, organized, selective with those he surrounded himself with, and diligent. He was so far out of her reach, and yet, very within her being. He'd influenced her to turn the chapter and begin looking at her flaws, not as weaknesses, but as strengths. What she deemed disappointing was nothing more than a work in progress. And he'd seen that in her way before she had, and she could tell he'd seen beyond that.

Because here they were.

In his childhood home.

He'd opened up his heart to her completely, way before she'd even known it, and this just happened to be the very moment she'd come to realize it.

After meeting RIKA, SAKUSA's childhood crush, she knew right away that SAKUSA was a man swayed, not by looks, but by essence. RIKA was undeniably a beautiful woman, but she was rotten. The woman hadn't stopped glowering at her throughout the entire night. But that didn't stop KOYAMA from having fun. In fact, KOYAMA probed at the woman's nerves by glancing at her cheekily every time she placed a loving hand on SAKUSA.

Hey, you've been tossing
and turning for a while now,
is everything okay?
Are you feeling uncomfortable?
I told you I could sleep in the
living room if y—

No! No! Nothing of the sort.
I'm just...thinking.

Thinking about?

KOYAMA felt her cheeks heating up as SAKUSA fully turned his body toward her. She couldn't see his face in the dark, but she could feel his minty breath on her face. To add onto that, she'd noted that the warmth radiating off of his body had seemingly intensified the moment he'd snuck his hand into the valley of skin before her hip.

To be held with such delicate feelings in the dark and dead of night was dangerous.

KOYAMA, out of nervousness, began to laugh.

SAKUSA chuckled.

What are you laughing
about now silly?

I'm thinking back to when
I was at the lowest point of my
life, and you just walked into it
under such a common disguise.
There was nothing romantic about
the way we met, we were under the
impression that we'd simply live
together as roommates.

MY ROOMIE NIGHTMARE  【佐久早  聖臣】Where stories live. Discover now