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The end of October was near, and November would become a busy month for the group of university students. With this in mind (and the fact that it was Friday), it was spontaneously decided by the friend group to meet up at Tokyo Dome City.

SAKUSA was obviously not on board with the plan, having already set his mind to staying indoors, but with his disagreement, KOYAMA became disappointed. Although the brunette tried to hide it, the raven could tell she was upset with the way she avoided meeting his eyes every time he'd speak to her.

Her response was irritating to SAKUSA. Not only because she was treating him differently, but because she already knew he wasn't fond of going to crowded places, and he thought she understood that. SAKUSA's irritation turned into intolerance as he thought more about it. She could go on her own, why did she have to make him feel guilty for just wanting to stay at home? If she wanted to go, she could go on her own.

Soon enough, KOYAMA began to feel affected by SAKUSA's brooding aura. The brunette felt quite guilty for wearing her disappointment on her face, thus having disregarded SAKUSA's feelings.

As KOYAMA got ready, and looked into the mirror to finish her eyeliner, the brunette's hand missed her original trajectory, and she huffed out in frustration. Tears spilled from her eyes rapidly, and a burning sensation forced her to close her eyes tightly.

KOYAMA walked blindly, toward the door, and when she felt the door knob, she rotated it with ease. KOYAMA hissed in anger and let out a string of profanities because she smashed her pinky against the corner of the door as she started moving forward.

And just her luck, SAKUSA was passing by and he saw and heard everything.

What are you doing?

Trying to get
to the bathroom,
what else? Tsk.

I'm asking because
there's no way I'd
know that. I'm not a
mind reader.


KOYAMA struggled to find her way, but she put her hand in front of her to feel out everything, and she eventually reached the bathroom. The brunette was beyond furious as she realized that SAKUSA had been following her, and he wasn't even saying anything. His presence alone right now was pissing her off.

If you're not
going to say anything
else please leave
me alone.

Why? I'm not even
getting in your way?

You're just bothering
me right now! Get out!

KOYAMA didn't want him to see her puffy eyes. She recognized that her earlier actions had made SAKUSA feel guilty for no reason, but she was hurt, she was hurt because she'd never been to an amusement park before, and she wanted to share that first time experience with the person she loved most, but since he'd already been to Tokyo Dome City before (and by force rather than will) he didn't want to go again.

KOYAMA's tears didn't stop, as her thoughts began to grow louder, you're always blowing everything out of proportion! It's quite surprising that SAKUSA's still with you! If he wasn't already tired of you, you've certainly done it now with this little outburst.

Who even starts a fight over a stupid amusement park?


You're crying in front of him, again, you're such a wimp.


I'm sorry.

(Drops hand away
from her face).
You don't have to
go, I was just being
unreasonably upset.

You don't really
mean that.

(Choked up)
Why are we even fighting
over something like

I don't know.

(Points to her eye).
I have to fix this so...

Fine, I'll leave.

MY ROOMIE NIGHTMARE  【佐久早  聖臣】Where stories live. Discover now