[6 part 3]

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"HECATE DON'T BE SO MEAN–" Amity shouted, shaking the orb.

Luz carefully pulled Amity's hands off of the orb, "Amity, it's just a movie. It didn't happen in the book. So it does not effect their relationship!"

The kitten whimpered, hugging Luz, snuggling up to her while she gazed at the orb. Luz stiffened, her tail wagging furiously behind herself. Luz let out a quiet whine, covering her mouth, not wanting to bother Amity. "Hecateeee.." Amity whined. "Why do you have to be so meannnnn.."

Luz hesitantly uncovered her mouth, then wrapped her arms around Amity and pulling her up a bit. "Maybe she's just taking it out on Hecate." Luz said, even though she already watched the movie.

Amity nuzzled in to Luz's chest, the pup's tail wagging even faster. "Maybe you're right.."

The kitten's ears perked up as she heard Luz's tail hit the couch, Amity peeking over at it. Luz grabbed her tail, "I-Ignore it–"

Amity paused the movie, sitting up in Luz's lap. She moved Luz's hands aside, the pup's tail starting up again. "Amity-- Ignore it---"

The kitten hugged Luz, resting her head on Luz's shoulder, the pup very slowly hugging Amity back. Amity peeked over Luz's shoulder, being memorized by Luz's tail. "Mew." Amity purred, her tail following Luz's lead. "I want."

Amity reached for it, only to be hit away by it. "Ouchies!" She hissed.

The front door was forced open, Amity yowling, her claws digging in to Luz's sides, the pup keeping her composure. "Amity?" Emira questioned as she peeked in.

Edric peeked over her, "Mom sent us to look for you!" Edric hissed. "Why aren't you answering your scroll!?"

Amity panted quietly, her claws retracting. Luz sighed quietly in relief as they were no longer on her side, the kitten looking back at her siblings. "I was watching a movie with Luz.." Amity mumbled, turning the other way, sitting down in Luz's lap.

The pup's tail started up again, Edric and Emira coming in, "Thanks bird thing." Edric said.

Hooty chirped, closing the door, Amity getting off of Luz's lap. She went over to her siblings, "Do we have to go?" She asked.

"Maybe only tell mom we found you?" Emira suggested.

Edric shrugged, "Luz, come."

The pup scrambled up, going over to the Blights. "Quite a bit of fur you got there Luz." Emira purred.

Luz looked down at herself, green fur over her clothes and over her own fur. "Oh– Yeah a bit–"

"Blight fur."


Emira hugged Luz, nuzzling her cheek, Edric understanding the sitch, but not wanting to be involved. Emira's tail grazed Luz's cheek, making the pup freeze, "Emira!" Amity hissed, pulling her sister back.

Luz pat herself down, cat hair was hard to get rid of, she'd see this in her clothes even after three washes! Amity hugged Luz, hissing at the twins, "Stay away from my Luz!"

The pup froze, was she Amity's now? Well, no complaining now! Luz was hesitant, but she licked Amity's cheek, the kitten fluffing up. "Oooh~" Edric and Emira cooed.

Hooty opened the door to see what was happening, Luz quickly pushing the cats out, "Well thank you for coming over see you three never again–" Luz slammed the door.

Silence. "Well! Goodbye!" Hooty chirped before quickly falling asleep.

Amity staggered back, "Emira catch me I think I've died–"

Emira scooped her sister up, turning and following the path, "Maybe don't tell mom about this." Edric blurted out.

"Uh duh!" Emira huffed. "Amity tone down on the fluff, I can't see–"

"She licked me–"

"Yeah, she did." Edric nodded, moving Amity's fur down for Emira. "Pretty bold move if you ask us."

Amity fluffed up again, "Emira I feel like I'm going to fall–"

"And we are– EDRIC–"

                What a ruff landing!

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