[6 part 2]

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When the movie ended, only one of the girls was terrified as the ginger had turned into a zombie, having bitten four people before they died by non-zombies. Last thing before the movie ended, was her resurrecting the gargoyle, who then ate her for energy, getting bigger, then snarled at the camera before credits rolled. "Luz come here, it's okay--" Amity assured, crouching down by the sofa. "It's just a movie--"

Luz whimpered, backing up against the wall, covering her face. "I'm never going to forget that!" Luz cried out.

Amity waved her over, "Luz you'll get dusty back there, come here! I turned off the orb!"



The mutt pulled her knees up, quickly adjusting to press her back against the wall so nothing could sneak up behind her. A plushie was dropped on her head, Luz yelping, scurrying out of her hidey spot and in to Amity's arms. The kitten fluffed up, "U-Uh- Heh-- Uhm- Luz--" Amity purred, her tail wagging swiftly.

Luz cowered in Amity's chest, the kittens purrs growing, "We should've never watched that movie--" Luz mumbled.

"Was a great idea in my opinion--" Amity said quietly, so very nervous.

A plushie was thrown at Luz, the little bear having hit her back, the mutt yelping. King snickered, coming out from his own hidey spot, taking the stuffie. "Boo!" He exclaimed, pouncing on Luz's shoulder.

Amity shooed him away, King giggling and running upstairs. "I don't know why you keep that thing.."

Luz clenched on to Amity's shirt, the kittens purrs fading. "You okay..?"

The mutt shook her head, Amity reluctantly wrapping her arms around Luz. She sat properly, letting Luz rest in her grasp, "I didn't know gargoyles actually ate ca--"

Luz cried out quietly, Amity quickly apologizing, "The movie was good though don't you think--?"

The mutt looked up at Amity, snarling quietly. "Sorry--"

Luz huffed, about to push herself away from Amity, but the kitten kept her down. "Stay, please?"

"I gotta clean.." Luz mumbled.

Amity cupped Luz's cheek, gently stroking her fur, "The little house demon can do it, can't he?"

"He breaks the dishes.." Luz said quietly, her tail wagging swiftly.

Amity pulled her hand back, nuzzling the mutt. Luz sat up a bit, Amity purring quietly, "Fluffy.." The kitten mumbled.

Luz pulled back, getting up, Amity pouting. "I'll be quick, pick another movie if you want." Luz said, going over to the table. "That isn't scary."

Amity nodded, getting up while Luz picked up he dishes, returning to the kitchen. Amity searched through the channels, many of the movies being rated mature or way too childish. Luz eventually came back when Amity picked a movie, sitting by her, "What is it?"

"It said earth movies." Amity said.

Luz glanced over at Amity, the kitten nodding, "You can.."

The mutt put her arm around Amity, pulling her over, then letting her go after resting her head on the kittens shoulder. The movie began, Luz recognizing the intro song. "We're watching The Field of Deadly Fates-" Luz blurted out.

"The what?"

"The Azura book that was cancelled! They made a movie about it! This is it!"

Amity's tail began to wag, "Really?"

"You'll love this one! It's really good!"

The kitten began to purr very loudly, her tail thumping on the carpet. Luz shushed her, Amity covering her mouth, "Shhh-" The kitten shushed herself.

Luz nuzzled her cheek, "I have the movie on my phone, so if you want, we can watch it later instead."

Amity shook her head, pushing Luz away a bit. "Let it play let it play– I'm calm. I'm cool."

"Yes you are, but not calm."

"Yes I am!! I'm the definition of calm!"



"You're shouting."

The kitten covered her mouth, Luz patting her head, "I'm sorry–"

"It's okay, but watch the movie before you miss the important parts!"

Amity let out a small squeak, looking back at the orb, her tail gripping the table leg. "Up for a little competition, Hecate?"

"You know I am. Bring it on celery." Hecate teased.

"You know I will, carrot."

                   To be continued.

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