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Final countdowns for Luz's birthday, it was time for the pre-day setup. "What kind of cake would you like Mija?" Camilla pat her shoulder, guiding Luz down the bakery lanes.

Luz's tail wagged, ears perking at the sound of fresh bread being sliced. "Squishy! I want squishy cake! Cake cake cake!" She howled.

King howled with her, jumping up on her shoulder, tail wagging. "Miss Spider Lady, do you have squishy cakes??!" King yipped.

The spider demon hummed as she walked down the showcases of cakes, pointing to a sliced cake. "Would this one do? It's a sponge cake!"

"What's in it?" Eda stepped forward, bag in hand. "Hey Hon, sorry I went to do the thing you asked me to do."

She gently preened Camilla, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Did you get everything?"

"All but one thing, Vee and Amity are on the hunt--"

"Hunt?-" Luz yipped, turning. "Are we going on a hunt?? I can hunt! I'm the best hunter!"

"That's great Kiddo," Eda ruffled her fur. "Are you already excited for your birthday?"

"Mhm mhm mhm!" Luz's tail wagged furiously, the pup turning back to the cakes. "Is it salt and butter free?"

The spider pulled a little note from the section of cakes, humming softly, "There is salt, blood apple sauce was used as a substitute for butter."

Luz and King cooed softly, tails wagging in unison, "Can I customize the ingredients of my cake if that's okay?"

"Of course!" The spider smiled, leaning down and grabbing a notecard and a pen. "What can I change for you Sweetpea?"


Willow gazed at the ivory doors, ears pinning back when she heard claws drawing near. The door opened, Boscha slipping out, closing the door. "Hi- Uh- They're a bit put off that you're a pegasus-"

"I knew it--" Willow stepped back.

"But they're impressed that you're stronger than me!" Boscha took her hand. "Cupcake, it'll be okay. I made your dad that promise didn't I? Willow?"

The pegasus snorted softly, lowering her head, "Yes but- This wasn't in the deal!"

"Too bad it is now! I told your dad I would take care of you no matter the problem. I'll make sure they don't hurt you, Willow. I promise." Boscha gently pulled her closer. "Please, just for lunch?"

Willow let out a despondent whine, hugging Boscha, "If I get uncomfortable can we leave..?"

"Of course." Boscha licked back her fur, gently nuzzling her. "Come on, lets get it started."

. . .

Boscha's parents had left the room after seeing Willow, fueling their hate for her in her heart. Boscha had pleaded with Willow to stay for lunch, offering to sneak over a pumpkin pie and maybe a whole pumpkin, just stay! Willow couldn't say no, Boscha had stayed up until her parents began to scold the daylights out of her.

Willow stayed put.

Boscha's moms entered the room, introducing themselves and lunch came in. Vegan, thank Titan. Willow happily ate, the manticores eating their meat as quietly as possible. Boscha's tail slipped around Willow's waist, the pegasus snorting softly and shuffling to be closer.

Sighing, Boscha leaned against Willow, trying her best not to just squish her pretty face. The pegasus suddenly perked, "Oh my Titan."

"What's wrong?"

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now