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Amity was freaking out. Luz had locked herself in her bedroom, leaving Amity outside, and hadn't left the room yet. She heard things move, she heard Luz sob, yet everytime she came at the door, Luz would growl.

Eda tried, but was nearly bitten by Luz. She wanted to muzzle the pup for her behavior, she needed to calm her, but it wasn't the time. Still, the pup had not come out. Amity called Odalia, explained the situation, and ranted to her about what had happened.

Odalia sent over a guard, and they were heavily armored. Eda took the catoblepas upstairs, unlocking the door, and pushing it open. Luz growled, turning to the duo. "Luz, you need to tell us what's wrong.." Eda stepped in.

Luz stepped over her bag, pulling it closer, "Grrr..rrr..."

Snorting, the catoblepas stomped forward, closing the gap between himself and Luz. She backed up, barking at him, the beast shoving his bracket into her mouth, pinning her to the wall. "Hey! We're not trying to hurt her more!" Eda rushed over. "Let the pup go.."

Luz whimpered, kicking at the floor, biting down on the bracket. She released muffled barks, tail tucking in between her legs as she scratched at the bracket. Amity scrambled in, pushing past Eda and the catoblepas, kicking him back. Luz held on to Amity, the kitten yowling softly.

"Boots, she's okay.." Eda sighed. "Move, she needs space."

Amity hissed, turning to Luz and gently rubbing her muzzle. The pup winced, shaking her head, burying her snout in Amity's neck. "Bite again, Pup, and I'll use a muzzle instead." The catoblepas stood.

Eda waved him away, Luz gently squeezing Amity, "Eda..What do you know about doppelgangers..?"


Armed with information, Amity, and her things, Luz returned to her house. Eda also joined, because Luz wouldn't let her wing go. Or Amity's paw. "I don't think I want to do this anymore.." Luz stepped back.

"Too bad. You told me not to believe you." Eda knocked. "Hellllloooo!!"

Claws tapped quickly against the wood, the door unlocking and opening, "Luz-" Camilla stepped out, holding her arms out.

The pup jerked back, Amity stepping in front of her, "Hello Ms.Noceda.." Amity mumbled, tail wrapping around Luz's waist. "I'm Amity.."

"P..Please come in-" Camilla stepped back, opening the door further.

Eda nudged the two inside, closing the door, gently taking Luz's coat. Amity hung her own coat up, removing her boots, setting them by the door. Luz hesitantly followed, holding onto Amity when she set her boots and bag down. "Luz, come on.." Amity gently tugged.

The pup followed Amity to the living room, Camilla sitting down, leg bouncing. Amity let Luz sit in her lap, the pup hiding her snout in the kitten's neck. "....."

"Kid, you gotta say something." Eda pat her head. "This is the one thing I can't help you with.."

Luz cowered, gripping Amity's shirt, "I'm scared.."

Amity held onto Luz, standing up and whispering softly to her. She tipped her head forward to Camilla before walking down the hall, opening a door. "YOU! YOU LITTLE-" Luz barked.

"AH LUZ NO DON'T!!" Amity yowled.

Luz ran back out, jumping onto the couch by Camilla, Amity being dragged along by Luz. "Luz Noceda! Don't make me count again!" Eda stood.

Barking, Luz jerked forward, scratching at the carpet. Amity hit her head, the pup letting out a soft whine, shaking violently and looking to the kitten. "Did you just hit me??"

"Luz, sit."

"You hit me!"

"Luz. Sit."

Quickly, the pup sat, tail curling up by her side. "Yes Amor-"

Amity pat her thigh, Luz standing and following the kitten to the couch. "You deserved that." Eda looked at her claws. "Just saying."

"Luz what's your favorite book-" Camilla blurted.

"The Good Witch Azura!" Both Luz's exclaimed.

Luz growled, Amity grabbing her collar, "You, need to stop growling. Okay?"

"But Amor--"


The pup scowled at the other her, flinching when the look was returned. "Camilla, yes?" Eda cleared her throat. "I'm Eda, I've been uh..Wow I feel like I kidnapped Luz-"

"Eda, you didn't kidnap Luz." Amity held the pup. "She went willingly, remember?"

Eda mumbled the story to herself, Luz shuffling to lean against her. "I thi-"

"Who wants to go play fetch?" Camilla stood, clasping her paws together.

Luz jumped up, tail wagging, "I do!"

Shuffling again, Luz looked to Eda, "Is it okay if I go play for a bit?"

Eda ruffled Luz's fur, the pup's tail lightly hitting Amity's thigh. "If you can handle the cold, yes."

Luz and Luz ran around, quickly dressing for the weather while Camilla slowly readied herself. Amity and Eda soon followed, stepping outside with Luz, Luz, and Camilla. Without saying a word, Camilla threw the ball.

The fake rushed after it, Luz sitting down, looking to Camilla. Taking in a soft breath, Camilla knelt down, hugging Luz, "Aqui estas mi niña.."

Luz stopped, dropping the ball, growling softly. Luz pushed Camilla back, Luz pouncing and tackling Luz. Kicking the fake back, Luz pounced on her, biting her scruff. Luz yelped, flailing about, Luz pinning her down, "You aren't evil if you aren't hurting Mama..So who are you?"

Scales formed on the pup, legs merging to become a tail which slapped Luz away. The pup fell limp, Amity stumbling forward, hissing softly. "That's..My girlfriend..You just slapped.."

The basilisk looked to Amity, then to Luz, panicked, "Is she okay-?"

Eda and Camilla went over, Amity pouncing on the basilisk, pinning her head and tail in the snow. Eda lifted Luz up, Camilla parting her fur quickly. "She's bleeding--" Eda held out her bloodied feathers. "Amity, get the basilisk in a bubble, Luz needs to get to the healer-"

"What the hell did you think I was?-" Camilla felt her coat's pockets, pulling out gauze.

Amity glared at the basilisk, leaning in, "If my girlfriend scars..I'll have your head on my staff..Are we clear?"

Oh, very clear.

To be continued.

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