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Amity slammed her room door closed, pacing around. "I'm so dumb–" Amity blurted out. "I shouldn't have said that to my mom– Bear. What should I do–" Amity looked over to her bed at the stuffed cat on her bed. "Yeah I know I screwed up with your name but tell me what to do-"

It fell forward, Amity hissing. Then, a knock ensued on her door. Amity went to open it, a note being the only thing left behind. She bent down, then picked it up, "Love has no bounds when underground. –AB."

*Abomination Butler

Amity flipped it over, "I mean the basement."

"Wait we have a basement--?"


Amity walked down, using her lantern to see around, looked clean. "Luz!?"

No, just a lamp imitating Amity's pup. "That's stupid why would Luz be here-"

Abomination goop dripped from the ceiling, muffled shouts coming from it. Amity looked up, jumping and taking Luz's paw, pulling her down, the pup falling on top of the kitten. Luz panted heavily, moving to the side and coughing up abomination goop. "Yucky.." Luz whimpered.

"Wha– How–?"

"I think– I think the butler brought me here..? W-Where are we??"

Amity scrambled up, "Uh– You're in our basement–" Amity pulled Luz up. "I'm so sorry– I don't know what's going on–"


Amity paused, "Okay yeah that might be happening–"

"..L-Listen– About what happened in my house– C-Can we just forget–"

"Hey! All I care about is getting you out of our basement–" Amity took Luz's paw.

The floor creaked, cracking open slightly, both stumbling forward, Amity grabbing on to Luz's waist, the pup gripping the kittens horns. Both fluffed up, then screamed as the panel opened under them. Both fell on a pile of pillows, Amity scrambling out of it and to flat ground.

Luz whimpered, crawling out of the pile while Amity read a little note. Abomination love boat. How cute. It scooped both girls up, placing then in the boat, then it slowly creaked forward before keeping a consistent pace. 😃✌️ Don't know how to write this part, but it's at the part where Amity fell in to the water

"Wait Luz! This was just the twins stupid idea!" Amity scrambled on to the platform, getting up.

The mutt lowered her head, her ears drooping down, "Yeah..This was really stupid..I mean, us? Dating?" Luz lightly scoffed. "That's stupid, right..?"

Amity ga(y)sped quietly, abomination goop shooting up in between her and Luz. "No! Edric we done gone goofed up!" Emira exclaimed.

"Augh! We're such horrible siblings!" Edric wailed, rushing past them.

Emira rushed out after him, crying her eyes out. Amity and Luz pursued after them, both taking on a twin. "Hey! Bad cat! No claws!" Luz barked, leaning back while holding on to Edric's horns.

He yowled, falling back, Luz being his cushion. Knocked the wind right out of her. "Okay..That hurt.." Luz sighed.

Edric rushed over to Amity and Emira, "Amity we're sorry! We were trying to help!" Edric exclaimed.

"You've ruined everything!!" Amity shouted. "Now Luz will never go out with me!"

Emira shook her head, Amity slipping off, falling to the ground, covering her face with her right arm. "Amity we didn't mean to screw up–" Emira muttered.

"Well you did!" Amity huffed, wiping her face, her ears falling back. "You always do.."

Edric knelt down in front of her, putting his paw on Amity's shoulder, "Mittens–"

"The one thing that makes me happy.. You both always seem to ruin it for me.."

Emira nuzzled Amity's cheek, "Well, what if we fixed it?"

"Yeah right.."

Luz licked Amity's cheek, the kitten freezing, fluffing up. Amity's tail swayed from side to side, slowly picking up the pace til her purrs started. Luz nuzzled Amity's cheek, sitting down by her, taking the kittens hand. "Purrrrr~"

The mutt waved away the twins, Emira and Edric high pawing before rushing inside. Luz licked Amity's cheek, the kitten getting fluffier by the second. "Luz Noceda, will you go out with me?" Amity asked, trying so hard not to let her voice crack.

"..." Luz rested her head on Amity's shoulder, squeezing the kittens paw. "I'd love to."

                    To be continued.

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