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Amity helped Luz eat, planned with her a colored eating time sheet, and gave her a cute lunch pale with snacks. If her tummy growled, Luz would have to eat something. Anything. So Amity made sure to keep an ear up at school. "Luz, are you hungry?" Amity asked.

Luz looked to her, "No, why?"

"I hear your stomach growling.."

The pup glanced away, sighed, and pulled out her lunchpale. Luz opened it up, pulling out a small container of treats, cringing slightly as she really wasn't in the mood to eat. "Amor..This is for your own good.."

"I know.."

Luz opened it, taking a treat and biting into it, munching quietly. She leaned her head against Amity's shoulder, tail drooping. "Would it help if I ate with you?" Amity licked her head.

"Yeah.." Luz's voice cracked, the pup turning her head slightly, light tears dampening Amity's shirt.

The kitten licked her head again, hushing her softly, "It's okay..I promise everything will be okay.." Amity took one of the treats, taking a bite. "Please don't be nervous or afraid to ask me to eat with you.."

Luz lowered her head, trembling lightly, "I love you Amity.."

"I love you too Luz. I love you soooooo much." The kitten gently rubbed her shoulder. "Want to split the one you have or are you okay with eating it bite by bite?"

Luz nodded, "Bite by bite..Helps with taking in the food so I know I have to pay attention to eating it.." Luz mumbled, taking another bite.

Amity finished her treat, taking a smaller one, softly sending Luz love and good job! 's. The pup finished her snacks, the kitten closing the container and putting it in the lunch pale, holding her girlfriend. "I looove you so much." Amity hummed, squeezing Luz. "Did you like those treats or did you want something different?"

Luz squeezed Amity, "Those were good..But they were kind of hard.."

Amity mentally facepalmed. Of course they were hard. She was such an idiot! Luz has weaker teeth than her! 'Why didn't I remember that? I'm such a-'

"Don't beat yourself up about it Amor.. It slipped my mind too..Thank you for taking care of me.." Luz licked her cheek, nuzzling her gently. "You're so helpful and caring..I love you so much Amity..I love you more than you know I do.."

Amity gently rubbed her back, glancing towards the board. They had been moved to the back. Amity had come to school an hour earlier than Luz usually did, and talked to her teachers. She explained in as little detail as she could about Luz's eating habits, and asked if she could sit in the back with her to help her work on eating when her stomach growled.

The kitten later had to ask her own teachers if it was okay to miss classes for the week, promising to come after school or whenever to do her uncompleted work. But was excused, as long as she wrote a five page report on said class on the last thing she remembered.

That part was easy, cause Amity had to do that every day and finished that work while waiting for Luz this morning. My point being- Amity went to every class Luz had, except 6th, cause Amity wasn't allowed to leave that one. During lunch, Luz wanted to sit away from the others and somewhere quiet.

So Amity took her to the library in a little corner. "All good?" Amity asked, licking back Luz's fur.

"Mhm.." Luz nodded slowly, taking a small bite of the berry. "I'm scared.."

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now