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Luz, could not go to school today. She needed to, but couldn't, and stayed at home, making several bouquets of flowers. Amity had arrived after school, lunchbox in paw. "What's wrong, Luz?" Amity walked over to the center of the living room. "You're not one to miss school.."

The pup tapped her glyph, picking the carnations and bundling them. "Well.." Luz glanced where the portal door would always be. "This..Happened a long time ago..And it's not really important-- But.."

Luz turned on her phone, offering it to Amity. The kitten sat, leaning against Luz and clicking the notification for the day. She pulled away from Luz as she scrolled through memories, the pup silently making more bouquets.

Softly, Amity set the, off, phone down, linking her arm around Luz's. "It is important, Luz..You could have told me sooner, and we would have a hundred bouquets."

Luz nodded slowly, taking in a deep breath, wiping her gathering tears. "I miss Papa-" Luz sniffled. "And I wish I could see him again-"

Amity nuzzled Luz's cheek, pulling the pup's head to her shoulder. "I'm listening, Luz..Go on, I'm here.."

The pup wailed, holding onto Amity tightly, trembling. In between quiet sobs, Luz told Amity about her dad, Eda having passed by with a cup of tea, lightly preening Luz before walking off to leave them alone.

Luz did feel much better telling Amity, and was ever so happy to have someone so amazing in her life, showing the cat as much. She offered to make her food, but Amity had asked for something else.

And Luz, agreed. Gathering all the bouquets, a coat, and some gloves, Eda opened the portal.

Luz went to visit her dad, leaving a note for Camilla, and leaving. Luz did wish she could stay longer, but she feared she would look weak in front of her dad, and returned to the Isles. There, she held onto Amity, the two listening to the few stories Luz's Dad left on bark-mail.

Though they weren't as uh, PG, for Luz, they carried lots of emotion. In one of the voice-mails, Luz could be heard. "And once the fight was over--"

"Papa! What are you doing?" Little taps came closer. "Weren't you going to play Cops and Robbers with me and Mama??"

"In a minute Cielito." He chuckled. "Remember how I told you I'd leave you stories?"

"For when you're gone.."

A chair shuffled, then he grunted, "Listen Mi Niña; I will never be gone. I'll always be here, to look over you. Don't cry, Luz..I'll watch you grow up, I'll watch you find a partner, and you will take care of Camilla for me."

Sniffling, things shuffled again, "I will Papa..Future me, when you're listening- Don't forget to tell Mama about the ice cream rain!"

Luz snorted, covering her face, "Ice cream rain?" Amity poked her side. "Now I have to know."

"Oh Titan that was so long ago-" Luz scratched her muzzle. "I had this neighbor, Ms. Loli, and I was having ice cream outside..The ice cream flung off my spoon and well.."

Amity giggled, "Thus, ice cream rain was born."

"Exactly. I still haven't told Mama-" Luz sighed. "I should have wrote it in when I had the chance.."

Amity gently rubbed Luz's back, lightly grooming her fur. "We still have time, Amor.."


"Yeah.." Amity nodded. "If you're still up for it, of course."


Luz wiped down a space, lying a blanket down on the snow, writing another letter. "So technically, he should be in stasis." Amity said. "Cause he was trapped in maple syrup."

"Kind of, Amor." Luz looked to the kitten, tail wagging. "But here, our oldest beasts have been trapped in ice and even after defrosting, they do not come back to life."

Amity frowned, "He's not okay then?"

"Sorry Amor, he's not." Luz licked her cheek. "Wonderful theory though!"

Amity purred, nuzzling Luz's cheek, "Wonderful story, Luz!" Amity gently groomed her damp fur. "When you're done, I would love if you could dry off and shower quickly so we can cuddle on your bed."

"Aren't you grounded, Princessa?" Luz flicked Amity's collar bell.

"No~" Amity cooed. "My mom knows you need me today, and I know you need me. Thank you for trusting me, Luz; I'm always happy to help you."

The pup smiled, snuggling closer to Amity, giggling when the kitten's tail wrapped around her waist. "Papa would have loved you. Almost as much as I love you~" Luz howled softly. "Mi Amorrr~~~"

Amity pulled back, ears perking. Luz shot up, turning towards the faint sound, huffing. "Luz, it's okay. Other people are probably visiting their loved ones too-" Amity flinched.

There, Camilla came up on the hill, followed by Luz. They stared, Camilla dropping her box of donuts. The pup growled softly, Amity scrambling back, hiding behind the pup, "That's.. My mama--"

The other Luz looked around, panicked, "Mama-"

"DON'T CALL HER THAT!!" Luz jumped.

She tackled the fake, muzzle being held back by her as she threatened to bite. "MAMA AYUDA!"

Amity pulled Luz back, the dog jerking forward, being grabbed by her collar. "BARK! MARF! BARK BARK!" Luz struggled, glaring back at Amity.

Camilla stumbled back, falling into the snow with a soft thud. Amity flinched at the glare she recieved, Luz tensing up, "Amor-" Luz looked to the other her, then Camilla. "I'm sorry Mama--"

The pup scooped up her girlfriend and ran, Camilla shouting after her. Yet the voices drowned out in the blizzard, never to be heard.

To be continued.

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