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Luz and Eda, figured out an easier way to test out foods. They went to the Blight Manor while the younger Blights were out, and talked to Odalia. "Yes, but how would you know? I don't think you could just sniff it and know.."

"My mom's a vet..She's taught me how to sniff out the bad, and I can do it."

Odalia hummed, scratching her cheek, "Okay. I'll have nurses at the ready just in case.."


Eda did a small, gross trade with Odalia. They traded Luz's- (gag) vomit, to research. It was received back quickly, an acid being flown to her that had the same levels of acid as Luz's. It was gross. Smelled really bad too. But, it was as effective as Luz's sniff test.

Odalia had a chef cut small pieces of almost every food on the Isles, Luz sniffing out more than half. She only got one wrong, because it smelled really bad. She barked, jumping away from it and covering her nose, "Ew ew ew ew!!"

Eda held the small vile over it, dropping a bit of the acid on the meat. It fizzled, burning through the meat a bit slow. "Odalia, what's in the meat?" Eda looked to the horned cat.

"It's a flying boar. That's prepped ham."

"Salt.." Luz mumbled, wiping her snout. "I can smell all the salt in it and it's not good for me in large amounts.."

Odalia snapped, pointing the the ham, an abomination coming by and taking it away. She crossed off ham on her checklist, looking to Luz. "Prepped ham, is a strong no. Moving on!"


Luz whimpered, turning her head on the pillow, gazing at the door. "Luz, she won't be home for another ten minutes. Come on." Odalia pat her thigh.

"With all due respect Mrs.Blight, I'm very worried about Amity..She didn't have me at school today and she's bound to be upset.." Luz sighed, tail curling up by her side.

Odalia shrugged, "Suit yourself. Don't get mad at me when the door opens on your nose." She walked off.

Luz paused briefly before she rose her hind legs, stepping back, plopping back on the ground when she was out of reach from the door. She gazed at the small space between the door and floor, waiting, begging for a shadow.

She received one, ten minutes later. The shadow came close, the knob turning, Luz sitting up. The door opened, Emira, coming in. Luz sighed, lying back down, tiredly greeting Emira who cheerfully greeted the pup, closed the door, and skipped off.

Luz waited a few more grueling minutes before another shadow came. And it was who she wanted. "Amity!!" Luz yipped, jumping up and hopping around. "Amitttyyy!!"

"Luz!" Amity smiled brightly, holding her arms out.

The pup jumped into her arms, licking her cheek, barking loudly. "AMITTYY! AMITTYYYY!!!" Luz cried out, tail wagging furiously. "I llLooOoooOoove yyooUuuuU!!"

Amity purred, tail swaying from side to side quickly. "I love you too Luz." Amity whispered, giggling quietly when the pup came to a sudden halt.

Her ears bounced up and down, head turning from side to side as yes, she had heard the whisper, but was wondering why it came as such. "Oh. Luz needs to be quiet." The pup covered her mouth. "I can be quiet."

Amity laughed, licking her cheek, gently nuzzling her. "I don't mind you being loud, but the walls here make loud sounds echo. I lLlooooVee yooUu too Luz." Amity smiled. "Mom didn't treat you poorly I hope?"

Luz shook her head, "Nice momma all around! Except Emira. I thought you were coming and Emira came in first.." Luz huffed.

Amity giggled, "I'm here now. Did you want to lie back down on your pillow?"

"Nooo~ I want my awesome girlfriend to hold me~" Luz cooed, nuzzling Amity's cheek.

The kitten fluffed up, purring as she leaned into the much needed love. "In my room or?"

"The library! You have a nice library." Luz licked Amity's stop. "Cuddle! Let's go cuddle in the library!!"

"Of course Mi Amor."


...Willow was in heaven. She was granted the wonderful opportunity to come over to Boscha's house and watch her train. And to no one's suprise, Willow was in love. "You're so cool Boscha.." Willow sighed.

The manticore turned quickly, tail slashing the bag in half. "Thanks Flower, but I think I could be better." Boscha felt her tail, wincing. "Ouch-"

The chair fell over, Willow scrambling up, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just shed my tail a bit too fast..I need to go take a bath, speed up the process a bit." Boscha's tail drooped. "It's fine, I'll be okay."

Willow frowned, "But you said ouch!"

"It was just a light sting, I'm alright." Boscha waved her off. "Come on, let's go get dinner."


"I'll be fine, come on."

Willow frowned, being dragged out. She was taken up to Boscha's room and lied on the bed while the manticore went to go shower and properly care for her tail. Boscha didn't take long, but came out with a part of her tail wrapped. "You don't want dinner?" Boscha crawled over to Willow, moving her mane back.

The pegausus snorted, ears pinning back, "No."

Boscha hummed, "And why is that?"

"Because your tail hurts and you're saying it doesn't."

Boscha nodded slowly, "My tail does hurt. But not alot. I can handle it, and I'll forget it's there soon. I shed, Willow. Like you get little wax on new feathers, I get old skin for new scales. It hurts if I force it. And that's what I did. It'll start naturally shedding tommorow, so I'm okay."

Willow softened, pulling Boscha over, "You promise?"

"I promise. So do you want dinner?"

"Yes please.."

To be continued.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now