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No episode this week but here is a filler which is just a bunch of baloney-

Luz's favorite and least favorite words.

Amity gazed at Luz from across the room, the pup doing homework for extra credit to make up for a test that she could not, make up. Amity hummed, unlocking her scroll and fumbling with it.

Then she remembered something. "Amor?"

Luz's ears perked up, "What's up Kitten?"

"Do you growl when you hear things you don't like?" Amity asked.

The pup paused, "I suppose so.."

Amity hummed, "Thank you."

That was it? Luz shrugged, continuing her work as Amity began a recording. She flipped, tail thumping on the bed. "Crow."

Luz's tail began to wag, the kitten giggling quietly. "Harness."

The pup growled softly, ears falling back, "Harness.." She sneezed, shaking her head.


Luz perked. "Amity."

Amity smiled as Luz's tail became a blur, purring softly. "Bedti- WOAH!"

Luz tackled her girlfriend, tail wagging a mile a minute as she gently nuzzled her. "It's bedtime!? Let's go get ready! I'll find my blankets--"

"Amor~! Hehehehe- Luz~ Not bedtime yet!"

"You said it again! I looove bedtime!" Luz licked her cheek. "And I love Amity! I llLooOoooOoove Amity!!"

"I know you love Amity~" The kitten giggled, purring when Luz nuzzled her cheek.

"My favorite word is a word I can't even say! You aren't because you're my favorite beast, I get excited seeing you! Cause I looooove you~" Luz howled.

Amity rose a brow, "Can I get a hint?"

"Nope! It's top secret, no one can-"

"Luz do you want to play catch?" Eda called from downstairs.

Luz perked, "Catch-" She breathed out.

"King wants to test out his new rubber ball."

She looked to Amity, licking her cheek, "Bedtime will have to wait!" Luz jumped off the bed, scrambling to the door. "I'M COMING! DON'T START WITHOUT MEEEE!!"

Amity giggled, ending the video. "Such a silly Puppy."

With Boscha

The manticore scratched her ear, humming softly as she looked down at her scroll. It dinged, a notification moving down. It was a video, from Amity. Confused, Boscha clicked it, and watched it. "Favorite words.." Boscha sat up, looking over to Willow across the bed. "Pumpkin pie."

Willow turned quickly, ears perked, "Pumpkin pie?-"

Boscha snorted, "Do you want pumpkin pie, Flower?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes I want pumpkin pie! Please-"

Boscha slipped out of bed, smiling, "Come on then, let's see if we can get a freshly baked one."

Willow dropped her things, scrambling off the bed, running over to Boscha, taking her paw. "Freshly baked?-"

"With whip cream."

"With whip cream!?"

"And a Pumpkin spice latte."

"AND A PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE!?" Willow side hugged Boscha, tail brushing along the floor. "Next you're going to tell me I'm marrying a goddess."

"Oh. No." Boscha shook her head. "I'm marrying the Goddess. Silly Goddess."

Willow smiled brightly, wings flapping as she held Boscha tighter. "I would say something back but I'm so flustered my mind has gone blank--" The pegasus giggled, fluffing up.

Boscha purred, nuzzling her cheek, "I love you Willow. So much."

"Yeah?" Willow fluffed up more.

"Mhm! I love you so much Willow, I love you sooooo much! So much." Boscha purred.

The manticore smiled when Willow's tail brushed quickly against the floor, lightly stomping on the floor. "Ah!" Willow perked. "Popcorn!!"

She ran back, going over to the bed, picking Popcorn up and running back to Boscha. "Can never go wrong without bringing your favorite thing." Boscha ruffled her mane.

"My favorite thing..Is a beast and it's you!" Willow grinned, nuzzling Boscha's cheek. "My lovely girlfriend is my favorite."

She squeaked when the manticore's tail wrapped around her waist, ears falling back when Boscha leaned in, blowing lightly on her cheek. "Willow Park, when the sun sets, I'll have you begging for a little something. Is that clear?"

"Uh- Yes- Uhm-- It's not-- Heh- Uhm--"

. . .

"Boscha- Please--" Willow tugged at the blanket. "Share the blanket! Pleaseeeee!!!"

"I told you earlier, you didn't listen." Boscha opened up her cocoon of a blanket. "C'mere Flower."

Willow scrambled closer, hugging Boscha, being wrapped up in the blanket. She sighed, grateful that her girlfriend was her personal heater. Drifting off to sleep, Willow was happy to dream about her manticore.


Matholomule was still shedding, having little bristles on his arms, a sure sign he is turning into a Wyvern. Gus was happy to come over and cheer his boyfriend up after dealing with the pains of growing bones.

Gus cupped his cheek, smiling, "Did the nap help?"

Matholomule yawned, nodding, "It did.."

"Matholomule, what kind of beast is your mom?" Gus gently scratched his cheek.

"She's a raptor.." Matholomule nuzzled down into the crook of Gus's neck. "Bio pops is a lindworm, but his dad was a Wyvern."

"Are you sure you're a Wyvern? Not that I don't want you to be one or anything, I love you no matter what you are." Gus rubbed his back, claws retracting.

Matholomule nodded, "Tests recently confirmed I was a wyvern..52%..If not, I'm just growing in my spikes a few years early.."

"Why isn't raptor a variable?" Gus hummed.

"I would have grown feathers at two, and well.."

"Right." Gus nodded. "Still no feathers."

Matholomule hissed softly, nuzzling Augustus, wrapping him up again. "Back to sleep.."

The dragon giggled, "Back to sleep."

To be continued.

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