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Luz hyped herself up, muttering that she would recieve kisses if she won, and if she didn't, she'd get more kisses. "Don't lose so you can get more kisses," Clara walked next to her. "Cause then Amity will feel bad that she made you want to lose."

"I-" Luz blinked. "You're right."

"Just..Do your best. Amity'll get a kick out of it." Clara bumped her. "Look, she's already excited."

Luz rose her head, looking to the stands, Amity cheering and waving a flag with Luz's name and face on it. "YOU GOT THIS AWESOME GIRLFRIEND!!"

Snorting, Luz's tail wagged, "I love her."

"Prove it to her by winning." Clara's ears perked, looking to the coach. "This isn't against that school, but did you plan on..?"

Luz turned her head, ears pinning back. "Yes. I did.."

Coach walked over, offering the purple muzzle, "You don't have to--"

"But I'm going to." Luz took it. "Thank you."

Clara pat her back, the ref whistling, "RACERS FOR 800 METER RUN, TO THE START!"

"Good luck.." Clara spoke softly.

Luz merely gave her a sad smile, and walked to the line. She got on her number, sliding on the muzzle, adjusting the straps. Several other animals got into place, the ref passing by and checking them all. Then a large timer was shown on a large screen, coaches gathering next to it. "On my whistle." He rose his claw.

The racers lowered themselves, few muttering praises to themselves. And then the whistle blew.


Luz had won the 800 meter dash, went into the mile run and won, but had been forced into the relay race. Luz was second to last, Clara was going to bring it home. "Gravesfield moves to second place, with Stratford taking first!"

A panting cat came running over, the horse by Luz beginning to run, being passed the baton before sprinting off. Luz spotted her teammate, waiting for her to get closer before jogging lightly, taking the baton and rushing to Clara. Luz quickly passed the horse, Clara sprinting forward, Luz reaching out.

A deer stuck her hoof out, tripping Luz, but the pass was successful. Luz tumbled, a gasp coming from the crowd. Clara turned and began to slow, but Luz barked, "Keep going! I'm fine!"

Clara swallowed, but sped up, noticing in the corner of her eye an ostrich. She ran alongside Clara, the golden retriever sliding the baton into her mouth and jumping down to all fours. "AND GRAVESFIELD USES THEIR FIRST FERAL RUN! CLARA WINCHESTER TAKES LEAD!"

Suprised, the ostrich slows, noticing she did and panicking. Before she could even realize, Clara had won, and grinned when she passed Clara. Coach K cheered, patting Clara's head and shaking her, "Yes! Good job-!"

Clara dropped the baton and ran back to Luz, the elephant nurse gently lifting her up. "Luz- Luz are you okay?-"

"Ngh-" Luz winced. "Yes, I'm fine.."

"Just a sprained ankle, Darling.." The elephant said, stomping towards the seating area. "And a scratch or two."

Clara followed, sitting down on the grass by Luz who was sat on a stool. The elephant worked quickly and gently, bandaging Luz up and giving her pain medication and water. "Thankfully, it's a minor sprain. You should be better in three or four days, just be gentle with it ya hear?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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