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Matholomule and Boscha, had cloths ready during break. Matholomule slithered behind Gus, hissing softly and covering his eyes, tying the cloth quickly. "Matt-? Matholomule--" Gus squawked.

"Don't worry Gus, I've got you." Matholomule moved his arm behind the dragon, catching him as he fell back. "I'll make sure you're awake before class."

Gus leaned against him, sighing quietly and relaxing, "You..Better wake me up.." Gus mumbled before he dozed off.

Matholomule balled up, holding Gus close, "Boscha! You little-" Willow snorted, kicking at the ground and stumbling back. "Huff- Can't- S-Shouldn't s..sleep.."

"I love you~" Boscha cooed as she picked up her Pegasus. "I'll keep you safe, you know that~"

"I k..w.." Willow slumped, ears drooping down. "Co...n.."

Boscha's tail pulled the plushie out from Willow's bag, placing it under her arm, "Well, time to go to the library!"

Luz rolled her eyes, scooping her unsuspecting girlfriend up, "Mi Amor, I was doing research, and it said the easiest way to get cats to sleep is to play. So I bought a feather toy and I was wondering if you were up for it?"

"I haven't played with one in years.." Amity hummed.

Luz licked her cheek, "An even better reason to use it. How high can you jump?"


Lunch was the same for the three, except this time, Luz placed a cloth over Amity's head. She could still breathe, and the cloth was warm. It worked. Like, too well. Luz just tossed the warm cloth on her head when lunch started, and Amity fell back, almost hitting the ground before Luz caught her.

Spooked the pup, she removed the cloth and Amity was already asleep. So yeah, Luz had a weapon to get her girlfriend to sleep when wanted. "Is this right?" Luz asked aloud. "I'd be pretty upset if someone used a weakness against me.."

Matholomule hissed softly, Luz was right. "I'll ask when he wakes up..But I don't think he minds, Gus actually payed attention in class today instead of sending his illusion." Matholomule slithered towards the bean bag chairs, wrapping around it and lying Gus on it.

Boscha's tail removed the cloth from Willow's eyes, the manticore blowing lightly in her face. "Mnngh-" Willow covered her face.

"Wakey wakey Flower." Boscha nuzzled her cheek.

"Boscha..Lunch...Isn't ov..over yet.." Willow turned slightly, hiding her snout in between Boscha's arm and side, dozing back off.

"Flower, that is the worst possible spot to fall asleep in." Boscha ruffled her hair.

Luz hummed, removing the cloth from Amity's head, holding her close, rubbing her back. "Mrr...rr.."

"Princesa, Amor Mia." Luz poked her snout. "Turn on your side if you want to go back to sleep."

"Can't sl..sleep on..Side.." Amity yawned, curling up slightly. "Wuz.."

"Mande Amor?" Luz licked her cheek.


"After you eat. I made you something~"

Amity winced as she took a peek, the light blinding her momentarily as she quickly adjusted. She sat up in Luz's lap, licking her cheek, "What..Is it..?"

"Find out."

Gradually waking up, Amity was sat in the seat by Luz and given her lunch. She could smell it through the lid, and it smelled really good. She could make out the meat, tomato paste, did Luz make guacamole?- She opened the lid, and there was a folded tortilla.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now