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Luz had another meal prepared for her lovely girlfriend, but, it was an experiment. Luz had figured out all the foods she could eat with Eda, and made an alternative chorizo for Amity. She made sure to tell Amity that when she handed over the meal, "..Are you sure sure?"

Luz nodded, "If it makes you feel better, I'll eat what you don't, so you know I'm not wasting all of it on you." Luz smiled. "I promise, I made this from food I can eat on the isles. I'm sorry if it doesn't taste exactly the same, I had to do some experimenting with it.."

Amity shook her head violently, "I'll try it right now! I'm sure it's great!" Amity popped open the lid, removing the fork from the bottom of the lid, poking at the chorizo.

She made sure it was stable before taking the bite. Her tail made a quick flick motion, something Luz learned meant she was suprised or beginning to get excited. She still had to figure out which was which in certain situations. "Is it okay?" Luz asked.

Amity poked at a bit more, holding it out to Luz, "It's amazing!! Luz try it-"

The pup smiled, taking the bite, Amity pulling the fork back, picking up more chorizo and eating it herself. "I have to go Amor, classes will start in a bit." Luz licked her cheek, nuzzling her briefly. "Don't get a tummy ache, I'll see you later!"

Amity waved, smiling brightly at Luz while the pup ran off, waving back at her kitten. Amity grinned down at the meal, the meal Luz had made only for her, no one else, and thought happily to herself about her future.



The manticore perked up, looking back, moving aside. A blue sphinx slid past her, turning and holding her arms out, "No, Bria." Boscha snarled. "I already told you to get lost. I'm not the manticore I was anymore. Scram!"

The sphinx pouted, wrapping her arms around herself, "Come on Boschie~ I know you miss teasing those kids~ All that power we had over them.." She stepped forward, gently grabbing Boscha's chin. "And all those followers who loved you.."

Boscha pushed her back with her tail, growling, "I only ever needed one, and she's mine. Please, leave me alone. I'm happy where I'm at today." Boscha stepped back, turning and walking off.

Bria narrowed her eyes, clicking her tougne, her tail grabbing Boscha's wrist. She pulled Boscha back, forcing her against the wall, grabbing her tail. "You wouldn't sting little old me will you?" Bria grabbed the tip.

Boscha kicked Bria back, her wings famning out, "Want to bet?"

Bria hopped back to her feet, wings spread out and prepared to take off, the sphinx waving Boscha over. "Bring it on pussycat."

Boscha pounced, swiping her leg under Bria, the sphinx flying up a bit, dodging the attack. She used one wing to force a turn, using her tail to slap it against Boscha's cheek. It hit, but then it was grabbed. Boscha gripped it, and in a quick spin, released it, sending Bria flying.

The sphinx hit the wall, her claws gripping it. "So you have been practicing.." Bria grinned, kicking off the wall.

But, she didn't get far. Boscha perked up, vines taking hold of Bria mid jump. They wrapped around her, and pulled her to the ground. "That's..My girlfriend.."

Boscha's tail made a quick swipe motion, swaying from side to side swiftly. "Willow!" Boscha said eagerly, smiling brightly.

"What a lousy girlfriend you have then.." Bria managed, growling softly.

A vine wrapped around her neck, the sphinx letting out a sharp cry. "Come on Boscha, classes start in a bit." Willow smiled, holding her hand out.

Boscha hummed happily as she skipped over, taking Willow's hand. "Did I ever tell you how awesome and cool you are my lovely Pegasus?~"

"You have now!" Willow giggled, waving her hand.

Bria let out a short lived scream when she was pulled underground, presumably sent outside, yes, presumably. Willow chirruped, nuzzling Boscha's cheek, "You really did want tommorow to come faster didn't you?" Boscha hugged Willow.

"Of course I wanted tommorow to come faster after last night." Willow pressed up against Boscha briefly, hugging the manticore. "Papa wants you to come back, he told me to tell you, you're the only one who passed a test."

Boscha turned her head slightly, "A test?"

"He's been asking all my friends to see how humorous their ideas are. You're the only one who was genuine about laughing at his jokes." Willow smiled. "He likes you."

"So does that mean I'll need another reevaluation from your Dad?" Boscha asked.

"Mm. When you want too though. Sometime this month at least." Willow continued walking with Boscha. "You don't have to worry though, I did warn him if he said anything rude to you again I'd bury him outside for the night."

Boscha purred, nuzzling Willow's cheek, "You truly are amazing, Flower. Maybe I should let you meet my parents."

Willow perked up, "Really?-"

"Not today."


Boscha grinned, sighing heavily and hugging Willow, stopping her in her place. "I love you so much Willow."

"I love you too Boscha." Willow gently scratched at her neck. "Maybe a bit too much."

"You can never love me too much." Boscha snickered, her tail wrapping around Willow's waist. "What did you end up doing with Popcorn?"

Willow perked up, gently pushing Boscha back, reaching in to her hood. "He comes everywhere with me!" Willow held out the plushie. "Though I sometimes forget he's there and I may or may not have left in my locker for a few periods.."

Boscha's tail pulled Willow close again, the Pegasus loosely holding on to Popcorn as she placed her hands on Boscha's shoulder. "He probably didn't mind it. Like how I wouldn't mind a kiss or two." Boscha smiled.

"I'm sure you wouldn't." Willow giggled. "But classes do start in a bit."

Boscha frowned, "Fine~ But I'll earn those kisses one way or another."

To be continued.

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