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Boscha was unaware of why she was invited to the Park Residence. She was also unaware on why Willow's dad, Gilbert, called her. He liked Boscha, she was a good girlfriend to Willow! But that wasn't a reason enough for him to call her over..

The manticore knocked on the door, deciding to ignore the yell from upstairs. The door opened, Harvey having answered. He scowled at her, very close to slamming the door before Gilbert quickly stepped in, "Oh good-- She's in her room."

"Oh?" Boscha leaned down, unbuckling her boots.

"Pin feathers."

Boscha hummed as she thought back on what exactly they were, stepping in the house and removing her boots. She lined them up neatly against the wall, nodding, "Okay. But why call me?"

"She won't let us help, she can't do it herself, and she keeps hitting something."

A thud followed his explanation, Willow whining as a second thud followed. "I got this." Boscha went upstairs. "Thank you Mister.Park!"

She crept up to Willow's room, knocking as she opened the door. The Pegasus kicked at the carpet, dragging herself along the floor. "Boscha!" Willow scrambled up, hugging her girlfriend. "Boscha~"

"Need help Cupcake?" Boscha smiled, licking her cheek.

Willow paused, then wailed, "PlEaSe HeLp mE rId Of ThOsE dArN pIn FeAtHerS!"

Boscha snickered, going over to the bed. She got a pillow, crossing her legs and setting the pillow in the empty space. Willow crawled over, sniffling as she removed her glasses and lied her head on Boscha's inner thigh. "Waxy ones yes?"

"M-Mhm! Sniff-" Willow wiped her snout, setting her glasses down.

"You just rest Flower, I'll get rid of those pesky pin feathers." Boscha cracked her knuckles. "While I do. Tell me your favorite story, to help you fall asleep."

Willow nodded slowly, "Okay.."


Holy Artimis Willow was in heaven. Boscha was gentle with the small rubs to get the wax off, rough enough to get it to stop itching, and slow enough to let Willow relax. The Pegasus sighed blissfully, ears lightly flapping as her tail brushed on the bed.

Boscha giggled, Willow's ears perking at the sound, pinning back when they stopped. "Feeling better Cupcake?"

"Will you stop if I say yes..?"


Willow sighed, "Yes, it's not itchy anymore, thank you Boscha."

"Good. Cause I still want to do it." Boscha scratched gently at Willow's neck.

The pegasus chirped, wings fanning out, lengthening in size, covering the whole bed. "Oh! There's more pin feathers!" Boscha perked. "Dream come true--"

Willow chittered softly, nuzzling Boscha's thigh as her wings lightly flapped before drooping. "I reached it way before you did, Love.." Willow sighed, and smiled.

Boscha cooed, ruffling her hair, "I love you Cupcake. Do you want to go get some brunch before you sleep for another hour or two? I don't want you waking up too hungry."

Willow shook her head, "Thank you, but no thank you..I'm doing just fine being with you..Unless you want to eat, I'll be happy to follow!"

Boscha smiled, "I'm good, thank you Cupcake. Go back to sleep, I'll keep rubbing your pin feathers. If I hear your tummy rumbling I'm going to wake you up, okay?"

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now