[1 part 3]

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*Before we start, please don't say the word Kinky, nothing over 12+

After that class ended, it was break time. Amity spent it with Boscha, the scorpion wanting to talk about how dumb Willow was. "Then she said she could make it look like an accident!"

Amity nodded slowly; "Uh-huh..Then what.."

"I ran away-"

"Pfft- What? You? No."

"I didn't want my beautiful stinger to be ripped off!" Boscha shouted.

"It'll happen eventually." Amity shrugged.

Boscha pouted. "You're just as bad as leaf girl. That would have been her excuse as well."

A brown furred girl with a very fluffy tail, her hair up in a ponytail which was a greyish pink, put her finger to her lips, shushing Amity. She had a collar in her paws, being behind Boscha, her tail wagging furiously. "What? Is there something on my-"

The girl clipped it around Boscha's neck, the scorpion hissing; "HEY- WHAT THE HECK- SKARA-"


Amity and the new girl we now know as Skara, laughed, Boscha trying to take off the collar. "WHY- WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME-"

"Luz payed me five (5) snails to do it." Skara answered honestly.

Amity looked over where her other secret friends were at, Luz covering her mouth as she laughed with her other table mates. A small 'click' made Amity turn forward, Boscha's new collar being attached to a leash. Skara tugged at it, Boscha hissing at her, her tail so close to stinging the other girl.

Boscha pulled away, Skara letting go of said leash, the scorpion falling back and to the tiles. "Let's put some cute bows in your hair!" Skara suggested.

The scorpion quickly got up, Skara about to grab her new leash, Boscha going over to Willow. "PROTECT ME LEAF GIRL-"

Skara pulled out some hair clips from her pocket, many of them green, but very unappealing to the animal eye. Skara stopped in her tracks, letting out a small whine, vines blocking her path. "Oh thank Artemis-" Boscha sighed.

*The gods of animals is apparently Artemis so- Artemis means God I guess.

"Thank me." Willow huffed.

"No. Artemis that's weird-" Boscha scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Vines wrapped around Boscha, the scorpion clicking her tounge; "Luz, when does lunch end?" Willow asked, looking at her hand.

The mutt looked at the clock, squinting to read the time; "In about.. Twenty (20) minutes!" Luz smiled, looking back at her friend.

Gus snickered, his tail wagging behind him, the vines in front of Skara returning to the ground; "I caught her for you, go ahead."

Skara's tail began to wag behind herself swiftly, the possibly dog or cat, or maybe both, going towards Boscha. She took out the band that kept Boscha's bun up, humming a tune while she put clips in her hair. "Tree-"

"Hm? Is that supposed to be me?" Willow asked, glancing at Boscha before looking back down at her nails.

"Flower-" Boscha blurted out. "If you don't help me- I'll set your garden on fire-"

"It's Amelia's garden as well." Willow muttered.

"That's what you're worried about-" Luz and Amity mumbled. "She just called you Flower." They said in unison, our kitten sitting by Luz.

"Yeah Willow-" Gus blurted out.

Boscha clicked her tounge, the vines with very sharp thorns on it being tightened around herself. "Willow Park." A deep voiced male called out.

The pegasus looked over by the lunch room entrance, a man. Gargoyle. Who happens to have a mini demon on his head, his wings being grey and bigger then him. "That's me." Willow answered.

"What. Are you doing?"

"Me? Just having lunch with my friends." She smiled.

He walked over, examining Boscha's current state; "Hm. Continue." He nodded, walking across the room.


He waved, Willow smirking victoriously at the scorpion. A vine lifted Boscha's chin up, moving her hair back, lightly tapping her cheek; "Chin up grudby cap. Your bad side is showing."

The group ooed, Boscha sighing heavily; "I hate you all."


"There." Boscha huffed, placing the box down on the desk. "I helped you move your garbage around."

Willow put the watering can down, scratching the piranha plants chin, said plant giving her a fangy grin, his tounge sticking out. "Thanks, did you get the seeds?"

Boscha looked through the box carefully; "Erm yeah. These right?" She asked, lifting up a small packet.

"Yep. The other watering cans?"

The scorpions tail lifted up, placing the multicolored watering cans on the desk. "Mhm."

"Did you bring the mulch inside?" Willow questioned, going over to her.

"I put it by the greenhouse outside." Boscha answered, sighing heavily. "I hate this so much."

"Eh. It's not so bad helping someone else out once in awhile. Don't move." Willow muttered, reaching for her collar.

Boscha swatted her hand away, her stinger shooing Willow away. "I don't trust you. Call Amelia in to get it off."

Willow held up the small key, offering it to Boscha; "She'll be in here soon, thanks for the help."

The scorpion took the key, her right (→) very fluffy ear twitching. "Uh..No biggie.."

Willow waved at her, leaving the classroom, Boshca looking down at the key. 'Tree girl's not that stupid I guess..'

To be continued.

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