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Luz was not excused from school and went with her girlfriend, after that, Eda was waiting outside with a crow and a drowsy Camilla. Entering the basket, the crow flew the group to the Blight Manor, where Viney and Jerbo sat waiting. "It's okay to play, don't worry." Amity pat Luz's head. "We're going to be sitting for awhile, so go get yourself tired."

"Are you sure?" Luz turned.

"We're sure." Eda nudged Luz out.

The pup took a hesitant step, then ran over to Viney and Jerbo, jumping around them. Viney grew dizzy following Luz's movements, Jerbo pushing her aside and jumping with Luz. Then they started fighting.

Jerbo bleated, rolling over and scampering away. Luz yipped, chasing after him, Viney scrambling up and running after them. "Tuck and roll Jerbo! Tuck and roll!!" Viney exclained.

"I CAN'T TUCK I'M A HORSEALOPE!!" He whinnied when Luz nipped at his hoof, kicking back.

She jumped on him, Jerbo getting his muzzle stuck in a small hole. Luz lied on top of him, tail wagging. She perked, looking quickly to Viney, the jackalope freezing in her place. "Grr.." Luz huffed, ears perking and facing Viney. "...Grr..rr.."

Viney wailed, running off, Luz barking and running after her. Jerbo pulled his muzzle free, running to Amity, Luz digging her paws into the grass, turning to him. "Amity!! SaVe MeEe!" Jerbo nickered.

Luz rushed to him, headbutting his side, stumbling slightly. She shook her head, going over to Amity, grinning, tail wagging. "Luz. You don't headbutt Jerbo. He's a stick." Amity pat her head. "But thank you for stopping him. I wasn't going to save him."

Viney bit Luz's tail, the pup yelping as she was dragged off. "AMmiIityyyY!!" Luz cried out, trying to turn and bite Viney but getting dirt in her face.

The jackalope pinned Luz down, the pup crying out and kicking. Viney perked when she heard a yowl, ears drooping when Amity neared. The kitten knocked her head into Viney's, the jackalope falling back, growing dizzy. Amity snorted, shaking her head and lying next to Luz.

Sitting up, the pup scooped Amity and stood, the kitten purring softly. "Good job Amor. I love you~" Luz groomed her fur, walking the kitten to the front door.

Which, was open. Eda and Camilla stepped inside, Odalia guiding them to the living room. Jerbo sat outside, Luz setting Amity down, the kitten walking inside. She paused when she didn't hear Luz's footsteps, looking back. "Luz it's okay, come in."

The pup skipped in, Emira passing her, "Babe!" Emira whistled. "We've got carrot slices!"

Viney scampered over, jumping into Emira's arms, "Carrots?-"

"And grapes." Emira smiled, tail wrapping around Viney's waist. "Cut into cute shapes."

Edric ran out, tackling Jerbo, licking his cheek, "Jerbo! I've missed you~"

"Ouch-" Jerbo breathed out. "Hurting-"

Edric jumped back, apologizing as he fixed Jerbo's shirt, "I'm sorry- Are you okay? I-I should be more gentle-"

"It's okay-" Jerbo pat Edric's head. "I promise, I just need to work on being able to handle your tackles."

Edric shook his head, "I shouldn't be doing that. I know it bugs you." Edric stood, helping Jerbo up. "I'll be more careful."

"Wh- No it's okay! I can handle it!" Jerbo nickered. "Tackle me!"

"Jerbo, you'll die." Edric sighed. "Come on, we're eating with the Clawthornes and Nocedas."

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now