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Luz had to go to the market with Eda as she couldn't be left home alone for three hours. She was allowed to pick one thing and that one thing had to be under ten snails, Eda had told her. So, the pup searched. "Eda! Eda Eda I want this!" King held up small kit with needles and string in a box.

Eda glanced at the price, nodding, "But you can't sew."

"Yes I can! I fixed up your suit at Grom!"

Eda paused, "Fair point." She took it, putting it in her pouch. "You have six snails left.

He scurried about, Luz gazing at a toy on the counter. It was shaped as a bone, squeaky toy inside, rubber- And blue!! She picked it up, examining the toy. Light, folds easily, still blue. "Eda can I-" Luz noticed the tag. "Oh."

Luz hummed, placing the toy back, catching up to the group. She took Eda's claw, faltering slightly before shrugging it off. "We're almost done, then we'll get lunch."

"Okay Ma- Ms.Clawthorne." Luz nodded.

King took Luz's paw, the group continuing the shopping. An hour later, they went to go get lunch, picking it up and walking back home. While Luz and King put the groceries away, Eda set up the table for lunch. Once they finished, they sat to eat. "Feeling better Luz?" Eda asked, moving the pup's fur back.

"Yes much better." Luz nodded. "Just a few headaches here and there."

"Drink some water and take the treat, try to take a nap after lunch." Eda pulled something out of her pocket. "Here, since you didn't buy anything I'll give you ten snails."

She counted them out for Luz, placing them in her paw, "Thank you Ms.Clawthorne."

"Don't worry about it. I'll give you your allowance tomorrow, is your girlfriend coming?"

Luz shook her head, "Dinner tonight with Emira's girlfriend, Amity has to stay and house the guest after school."

Eda chirped, "Okay. Well, once you're done eating you can head to bed or do whatever-"

"Where's myyyyy lunch~~~?" Hooty cooed, making it a point to look around.

King looked too, his attention diverted to finding Hooty's food. While he looked away, Hooty gulped up King's food and retreated quickly to the door. King pouted at the empty bag, looking to the empty space by him, "Hooty it's not- HEY!!"

Hooty giggled, the demon banging his skull on the table, whimpering softly as he hadn't yet taken a bite of his meal. Luz gasped, pointing outside, "Look!!"

He turned quickly, Luz sliding her food over in front of him, taking a small side piece before getting up. "Made you look. Thanks for lunch, I'm going to work on homework before taking a nap." Luz smiled, pushing her chair in.

King opened his mouth to speak but Luz was already gone. "Eda--"

"It's okay, eat, she'll come down soon to make something for herself." Eda shook her head. "Don't worry."

He let out a small whine, nodding before digging in.


"Luz," Eda knocked. "You haven't eaten so I made you something."

No answer. Eda knocked again, yet no answer. She opened the door, peeking in. There in the corner, Luz slept on her sleeping bag, the bark-mail of her mom telling a different story still playing. "And pow! The Komodo King fell down down down the cliff! The animals cheered! Wooo! Hooray! His reign of terror is over! Heroes!"

Luz's tail lightly thumped at the cheers, the pup stretching out as her nap was over. She yawned, still unaware of Eda's presence, continuing to listen to the story til she realized which one it was. "And there we had a feast, a feast so grand the whole kingdom was invited!" The pup whispered along with the bark-mail.

"We ate and ate and ate til we couldn't anymore! And everyday, we lived in silence, but once in awhile, my friends and I had a mission. For old times sake. The end.."

Luz let the rest of the audio play, sighing quietly, "Te amo mi niña, que descanses! I miss you every second. I'll see you in the morning with pancakes." Camilla exaggerated the way she said pancakes, giggling before the bark-mail ended.

The pup covered her snout, "Until tomorrow Mama.."

Eda crept out, going downstairs, taking a few deep breaths before she puffed out her feathery chest and went up. She knocked, Luz flipping over, looking her way, "You can come in Eda."

"Made you lunch, you didn't eat so I took charge." Eda smiled, taking a large step forward, talon grabbing a feather that she didn't notice she left.

"You didn't have to!" Luz sat up. "I'm sorry for making you do that--"

"Don't be Kid, I was happy to make it." Eda lied, handing thr plate over. 'This thing was a pain to make! I hated every second of it.'

Luz thanked her softly, Eda handing her the napkin with utensils in it. The pup placed the plate down, unraveling the utensils, "Why don't you sleep on the bed, Luz? Amity got it so you didn't sleep on the bag anymore.."

"Oh I..I just.." Luz sighed, ears pinning back. "I miss my mom..I didn't bring much from home and I'm still trying to adjust.."

"But it's been months.."

Luz nodded slowly, "That's why I feel like an idiot– I'm terrible at getting used to new places a-and staying here is amazing bu-but I" Luz covered her face, bringing her knees up to her chest.

Eda stayed quiet, moving the plate aside, crossing her legs and pulling Luz into her lap. "I get it Luz..I get it..I left home too..I left my mom, my dad, even Lilith..But hey, sometimes change is for the better! You've got your friends..And Amity! You like Amity don't ya? Always licking her, bringing her over and cuddling.."

Luz nodded, sniffling, "You, King and Hooty.."

"Yeah, see? Luz, if you're not quite comfortable here, it's okay. We can adjust, we can change a few things til you're ready..You just have to tell me, okay? I can't help you if I don't know what's going on.."


Eda preened her fur, the pup curling up, her fur being fixed. "So. What do you want to change first?"

                   To be continued.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now