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Luz glared. Alot.

Masha gulped, ears pinning back, "Luz."

"Hm." The mutt huffed, claws digging into the pavement.

Vee cleared her throat, "You don't have to uh..Glare anymore.."

Luz narrowed her eyes, snarling, "When she apologizes." Luz spat. "My girlfriend was undeserving of those words.."

"All I said was that your girlfriend sucks!" Masha pointed to Clara. "I say that to her all the time!"

"I don't care about Clara!" Luz barked.

Clara sighed, "Dangit."

Vee giggled, patting her head, "You're still really far down the list, one day you'll move up one."

"Masha, I'm fine with being called a loser, Clara tormented me about it for like four years." Luz sighed, ears drooping. "But please don't call my girlfriend that. Amity's the most important animal in my life, and I'm not taking any harassment."

Masha's ears pinned back, the black cat turning away, "You threatened Vee yesterday."

"This idiot, right here?" Luz picked Vee up by her scruff. "My sister???"

Vee yipped, tail wagging, "You still threatened her!"

"Yeah! With our mom cause that's the only person she listens to!" Luz sat Vee in Clara's lap. "Masha, please just understand that you can't talk about my girlfriend when she's not around. Especially when it's not polite."

Masha lowered her head, "..I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said about your girlfriend, she's actually pretty cool.."

Luz softened, Vee yapping and leaning from side to side, eager. Clara pushed Vee's head down, the basilisk patting her thighs, "CccLlaaaRraaaA!"

"Shh." Clara hushed. "Drama. Can't see with your poofy fur."

Vee stilled, gazing at her sister and Masha, "Don't do it again, okay? My promise will become true, and I'm hoping to break it for once.."

Masha nodded slowly, "Yeah. Yeah I'm sorry. I'll work on it.."


Luz munched quietly, legs swaying slightly, creating soft waves in the lake. "Ready Noceda?" Her boss came forward.

She took another bite of her sandwich, shaking her head, "They won't come out if it's windy. Let it die down a bit and I'll get to work." Luz set the sandwich in her lunchbox, closing it.

"Alright, but I'm expecting a big haul today Kid." He walked off.

Luz mocked him softly, brushing back her fur, "Only Momma can call me that." Luz slid into the water.

She sniffed the air, humming softly and swimming down.

. . .

"See you tomorrow for your shift Luz." The buffin waved.

Luz smiled, waving back, "Yeah, see ya!"

She walked to the chain link fence, waving at the roc who opened it for her, stepping out. She was met with a hug and a towel, "Buenas tardes Mi Amor~" Luz howled softly, holding Amity tightly. "Was school okay?"

"Mhm! Still trying not to look for you." Amity caressed Luz's cheek. "How was work?"

"Same as usual, just less swimming." Luz licked Amity's stop. "Are you staying over tonight?"

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now