[9 part 2]

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Boscha smiled as she happily stared at Willow, the Pegasus growing agitated. Her plants could tell, her ears were pinned back, and she was trimming her bonsai terribly. "Boscha.."

"Yes my love?~"

"I'm going to rip your tail if you don't stop staring.."

Boscha hummed, "Why should I look away from such a beauty?"

"Are you the beast?"

Boscha stuck her tounge out, not in a mean way, but a different kind. Willow cut the branch, the bonsai hissing at her for so rudely cutting off its cleanest branch. "I'm sorry baby, I have to go kill someone. I'll bring back some of their remains for you okay?~" Willow pat it's head.

The bonsai huffed, glaring up at Willow before shaking her hoof. The Pegasus got up, going over to Boscha, pinching her nose, "Pspsps~"

Boscha tensed, gazing at Willow, her ears falling back. "Hm.."

"Come here little Manticore, let's get you outside hm?~ Pspspsps~"

Boscha hesitantly got up, hugging Willow, purring quietly. "I'm more scorpion than lion Willow.." Boscha's tail wrapped around Willow's waist, the Manticore hiding her face in the pegasus's neck. "That doesn't work as well as it does on Amity.."

"Want a rotting log? I have several that I know you'll love." Willow spoke softly. "That is, if you want them."

Boscha froze, snarling quietly, "I hate you."

"My father made a leaf patterned blanket, would you like to hide under that instead?"

Boscha huffed, "You're tormenting me, Willow."

"Amelia has been helping me out to make this little secret hideout out back, tons of leaves in there." Willow went on. "And lizards caught eating a shellgull's eggs.."

Boscha whined, "Willow stop-- You're making me hungry--"

"Even a gazelle, it got caught in a trap, still alive~"

Boscha gripped Willow's shirt, humming nervously, "To get all that, I have to what..?"

"Let me go, and leave me alone." Willow put it simply.

"For how long?"

"Til I say so."

Boscha pulled back a bit, nuzzling Willow's cheek, "Nice try Flower, I can just eat you..Can't I?~"

Willow's feathers puffed out, the pegasus looking away, "Cut that out.."

"Give me a kiss, and I'll go." Boscha spoke quietly.

"..Just one?"

Boscha snickered, "Depends on how many you'd like," Boscha's wings expanded, covering herself and Willow. "Or how long you want them to last~"


Luz hummed proudly as she skipped down the hall, going to see her lovely girlfriend. The puppy stopped suddenly as she heard a small cry, looking to her left, skipping over, opening the door. "Hello?"

Boscha glanced over, shaking her hand, blowing lightly on it. Willow smacked her with a newspaper, glaring at Boscha, "Don't touch the roots, you'll kill it!"

The Manticore snarled, shaking her hand again as she had gotten cut by the plants stem. "Positive reinforcement Willow!"

The pegasus hit her again, "No! You bit me!"

"You liked it.."

"It hurt!" Willow hit her again. "You kill this plant, you'll be on the paper."

Boscha whined, sliding her glove back on, fixing the roots carefully. Luz slowly backed out, closing the door, then ran down the hall. "AMITYYYY!" Luz cried out, scrambling to turn the corner, slipping but running on all fours.

Luz bunked in to the door, whimpe- ring and rubbing her head, "Ouch ouch ouch!"

The door opened, Amity kneeling down, "You okay? What's wrong?"

Luz snarled quietly, holding her head, "Ouchies! Ow ow ow--"

Amity pat Luz's head, shushing the pup, "Luz, please be quiet-- The twins are on the crow with our parents-- Please hush-"

The pup bit her hand, still rubbing her head, "Yes mother, Amity is keeping up with her studies." Edric muttered.

"No mother, we haven't caused any issues in school." Emira sighed. "We adore you too mother, goodbye."

"Bye mother." Edric poked the crows beak. "Go."

The crow shook itself, flying out the window. "Come on, we have to go home." Emira got up from her seat, walking towards Amity.

"Ah- I'll see you tomorrow Luz, be a good dog okay?"

Luz covered her face, still in immense pain. "Ouch ouch ouch ouch--"

Amity licked her head, getting up, "Feel better-- Okay bye Luz!" Amity rushed to catch up with the twins, waving back at Luz.

The pup waved back, rubbing her head lightly, "..I think I have a concussion.."

                    To be continued.

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