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"A..Are you sure..?" Luz asked softly, looking down at the toy she held, then to Odalia.

"Luz, we invited you so you could get a toy." Odalia sighed, pinching her stop. "We're sure."

Amity giggled, bumping Luz with her hip, "Silly puppy."

Luz's tail wagged, the pup gently squeezing the squeaky, blue ball. "If you come this way, canines can test their toys before purchasing." A hellhound said, opening a door.

Canines ran around the open area, few already coming back, tails wagging, soaking toys in paw. Luz stepped in, looking around. The area was large, a sign catching her attention. 'Ways to make sure your toy is the right fit for you!

Does it fit comfortably in your mouth, allowing you to bite it without it slipping out? Good!

Non-slip? Even better!

Easily washed? Gold star!

Can it distract you for at least an hour? Heck yeah!

Does it get you moving? Amazing!

And most importantly, are you having fun?'

Luz looked back at Amity, the kitten taking the ball, "Go long."

The pup perked, dropping down and scrambling across the room. Amity threw the ball, Luz watching it, pinpointing where it would- There! She jumped up about seven feet, catching the ball before it even had a chance to touch the ground. Luz nibbled on it as she went over to Amity, letting her take the ball.

Standing there, the kitten was dumbfounded. "Luz..How can you jump so high..?" Amity whispered, patting her head, shaking off the drool.

"I told you! I run really fast! Mama always wants me to train my legs. Jumping, running, and lifting being the main reasons." Luz nudged Amity's paw. "Come on let's play! I need to make sure this toy is the right one!"


..Amity was upset. Odalia had paid for the toy, ruffled Luz's fur, and bought her a new blanket that was really cushy! There was a tag on it so Odalia lied it in her lap while she carefully pulled the tag out. But dogs do this thing.

Like my dog. If I'm folding a large blanket, he will lie on it, and I have to put the blanket down so my Baby can sleep. Luz, did this. As they rode the large crow, Luz crawled over to Odalia and lied on the blanket, curling up and dozing off.

Amity poked Luz's back, the pup humming softly, gently gripping her tail. "Luz-- Puppy!-"

"Princess, hush. We are arriving to her home, she will wake soon." Odalia hummed, tail adjusting the side of a bag before curling up by her side.

Amity's ears perked up, a low rumbling catching her attention. She opened one of her bags, pulling out a smaller bag, popping it open. She took out the treat, leaning over and lightly waving it in front of Luz's nose. The pup squirmed, sniffing the air.

She winced, stomach growling as she hid her nose under her paw. "Luz, you need to have something to eat.."

The pup played dumb, going back to sleep as her girlfriend poked at her back. "Luz, I'm not a dummy. You need to eat something.."

Silently, the pup sat up, leaning against the kitten, taking the treat. She bit into it, shrinking back in her seat as, well, she really didn't want to eat. Amity pulled out another treat, gently hitting it against Luz's and biting into it. The pup's tail wagged slowly, ears falling back.

Amity nuzzled her cheek, "Even if it's just a few treats for now, please eat a meal later.."

Luz nodded, wrapping an arm around Amity's waist, tail wagging. "Awesome girlfriend award goes to you Amor." Luz barked. "I love you~"

Amity giggled, licking Luz's cheek, "I love you too~~"

The crow cawed, looking down at the basket before looking to the house. It landed, opening the door for Luz, the pup licking Amity's cheek before carefully slipping past Odalia. She was handed a bag and the folded blanket, head being pat, "Farewell Luz Noceda."

"Bye Mrs.Blight. Bye Amor~" Luz cooed, tail wagging.

"Bye bye! Call if you need anything okay??" Amity waved.

"Mhm! Bye! Thank you Mr.Crow!"

It chirped, nuzzling her cheek before spreading his wings and flapping. It took off, Luz walking to The Owl House. Hooty jolted awake at her presence, opening the door and preening her quickly to remove any small hints of dirt before closing.

Luz went upstairs, setting her things down. "I wonder where the others are..King usually greets me when I get home.." Luz looked around.

She hummed softly, going downstairs, "Hooty, where are the others?"

"At the market!" Hooty opened. "Hoot! Getting -currip- snacks for movie!"

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" Luz stepped outside, Hooty closing the door again.

"Erm- Mayyybbbee?" He cooed. "I'll take care of the house, you can go!"

Luz nodded, waving goodbye as she followed the path to the market. She sniffed the air, turning into an alley that led to the other side of the market. "You let him go you little– LET HIM GO!" Eda screeched.

Picking up the pace, Luz saw Eda being pinned to the ground, wings tied as King was being grabbed by the scruff. He wailed, wiping his tears as he was gently shaken by a manticore. "Awh look~ It's crying~"

Eda fluffed up, flapping her wings quickly, spooking the beasts that held her down. She grabbed one of their muzzles with her talon, slamming him to the ground. The manticore hissed softly, pulling out a blade with a bone as its handle. "Move a muscle, and the rat gets it.."

Luz growled softly, ears falling back. Her claws dug into the pavement, the mutt stumbling forward. Now reacting solely on instincts, Luz charged. She barked and jumped, the manticore looking to her. Then she bit.

King and the blade were dropped, the manticore grabbing her head and turning, "AGH! LET GO YOU MUTT!"

Luz bit down, the manticore freezing before crying out when Luz pulled back with much more than fur. She dropped down, baring her fangs at the manticore. He held his arm, biting back a hiss. "You're going to regret that.."

"There they are!" Guards cuffed the beasts on the ground.

Eda picked up King, hiding him from the guard that stepped forward. A yelp echoed, Eda looking to Luz, the pup being muzzled. She jerked about, whimpering as the muzzle was slid over her head and locked into place. "Kid-" Eda pushed past the guard, kneeling down quickly in front of the pup.

"You're coming in for questioning and a sentence." The guard uttered. "You've been a bad dog."

                   To be continued.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now