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Augustus and Matholomule couldn't finish the book, but they ended close to the illusions class place. And, Matholomule had a free period during Gus's class.

So. Monday. Matholomule had to ask his mom to pack his lunch, as he was going to do something during his free period. She agreed, quietly crying as her baby boy finally had friends, and sent him off.

When fourth period rolled around, Matholomule found Gus pulling the book out from his bag. "Hey dingus!" Matholomule slithered over, lightly punching Gus. "You asked if it was okay right?"

Gus nodded, pulling out his lunch and closing the bag. "She said as long as you keep quiet you can come." Gus slid his backpack on. "Let's go."

Augustus led the way to the rearranged class, sitting on a cushion, patting his thigh. Matholomule slithered around him, curling up slightly and eventually lying his head in Gus's lap. Students scurried in, a pair being the only curious ones. "Gus?"

"Hm?" He placed his lunch down, looking up. "Oh, hey Edric, Emira."

"Whatcha doin?" Edric asked.

"Uh," Gus looked at his surrounding area. "Sitting down?"

"No, with the ap-"

"Not an apep." Gus snarled. "Don't call him that. Go sit down before I use illusions for the wrong reasons.."

Edric called a bluff, but Emira wasn't stupid. She knew what he did with the Glandus twerps. So she pushed Edric away and made him go to the back. Matholomule glanced up at Augustus, the dragon noticing him and patting his head.

Yesterday, while reading the book, Gus had started to scratch behind Matholomule's ear or run his claws through the lindworm's hair. But once he stopped, Matholomule would look up at him, causing Gus to quickly turn the page or put his focus on petting Matholomule. It already became a habit for the two.

Matholomule nuzzled his thigh, sighing quietly, "Do you think we'll finish it today?" Matholomule asked.

"Maybe." Gus shrugged, glancing towards the door as he thought he saw the teacher. "What the--"

"Is this it-?" Luz asked, glancing around the room, having forgotten what her own class looked like. "It is! Hi Gus!"

She rushed over, sitting in the free cushion by him, her tail wagging furiously. "Hey Luz." Gus greeted. "You re-read the book to our spot and got excited finally?"

Luz nodded, looking towards the door, holding her arms out. Amity tackled the pup, purring as she licked her cheek, "I read it with Amity, she knows I can't read it til the teacher reads it with us. So she came along." Luz nuzzled Amity's cheek, sighing quietly. "Mi princessa.."

Amity took a peek at Matholomule's tail, noticing it reach to tap her. She hissed, swatting at it and hugging Luz, "Grr-- Hsssthhh! Mmrr--" She yowled quietly.

Matholomule hissed back, huffing and nudging Gus's hand. He continued to pat Matholomule, the lindworm relaxing again. "Don't hiss at my Matholomule." Gus huffed. "Keep your kitten on a harness Luz."

The mutt glanced at Gus, narrowing her eyes at him, "If your lindworm keeps his tail to himself you and I wouldn't be having this conversation Augustus Porter..Illusions track, living with father who happens to be a reporter. Am I moving too fast? I know where you live Gus, I can slip on by and rip you to shreds." Luz let out a soft growl. "Are we clear?"

Matholomule hissed, curling up around Gus, "Keep your paws to yourself Noceda. Cats are hard to come by. I haven't seen your kitten in awhile, suprised to see she still went here." Matholomule made sure he wasn't too bundled up around Gus before resting his head on his shoulder.

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