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When Luz woke up, she realized, she was snitched on. "Amity-" Luz jolted up. "Amor-"

"Mande..?" The kitten yawned, flipping over, tiredly meeting Luz's gaze.

"Wh-What?- Why-? I mean I love you but- Huh??"

Amity pulled Luz back down, licking her cheek, "Eda brought me up to speed..Do you..Want to go back home..?"

Luz's breath hitched, Amity cowering slightly, preparing to be scolded at. "Of course not!" Luz pulled Amity over. "I do miss my home but I'll miss you even more Amity..You're my girlfriend, I love you so much and I don't want to leave such an awesome beast behind!"


"Amity, I love you. I love you so much more than you think I do..I miss my home, I miss my mom, and I miss all the stuff I left behind..But that doesn't compare to how I'll feel leaving you behind.." The pup sighed, squeezing the kitten. "Amity..Amor Mia..No matter what happens, I want you to be with me.."

Amity hugged Luz back tightly, curling up slightly, tail wrapping around Luz's. "I love you- Luz I love you--"

"Hush, it's okay." Luz rubbed her back. "Are you going to school or anything? I want to know when to wake you up.."

Amity shook her head, "My mom's letting me stay to take care of you today..-"

"Yeah but I can't let you sleep all day! The sunbeams will go away and I don't want you getting cold.." Luz licked her head. "So we need to be awake to move around with them!"

Amity lightly laughed, caressing Luz's cheek, "Is that what you take cats to be? Followers of the sunbeams?"

The pup nodded, "Canines are followers of the squeaky toy, treats, and pets. Mostly toys." Luz pushed herself up, holding on to Amity as she pulled her up.

She carefully stood, going over to her bed, opening the blinds above it. "Mmrr.." Amity purred, feeling the bit of heat coming from the beam.

Luz looked to her right, linking her ankle around her bed leg, pulling it over. It moved in the beams area, Luz lying her suprised girlfriend down, "What?" Luz enquired.

"Luz- It took two minotaurs to move your bed when they misplaced it-- Two-- H-How?-"

"I'm a dog. I specialize in running! I never miss out on leg day." Luz licked Amity's cheek. "Minotaurs work on their upper half like abs and biceps! They're not for running despite having bull legs. Animals, who specialize in their hooves and horns."

Amity blinked, "Huh?"

"I run. Really fast. 30 miles per hour."

Amity gasped, "I can do that!"

"And that's amazing! You're so cool Amor! But I train specifically for it, and I can run super fast for short distances! A mile run is like two minutes for me."

Amity paused, mouth slightly open as she thought, "Awh, I go super slow.." Amity frowned. "Takes me six minutes to run a mile.."

"Do you get distracted?"

Amity glanced down, "Yeah.."

Luz smiled, licking her stop, "I used to get distracted, then Mama told me to focus on winning so I could get the treats."

"Did it help?" Amity asked, relaxing when the sunbeam finally gave off a nice heat.

Luz nodded, "Won every race I've been in since. Except racing my mom, she's faster than I am. >:( She always gets the donut I want before I do." Luz frowned.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now