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Thanks to the time differences, when Luz had break, Amity had lunch. So Luz was taken out of school, made hed girlfriend's lunch, and went to the Isles. She was lent Owlbert, and was off!

Luz carefully landed, Owlbert sending away his stand and resting on Luz's shoulder. They both perked when a bell went off, Luz walking inside the school as students rushed the same way. Except one. Amity kicked off walls, shoved past beasts, even jumped over those kneeling down to fix their pants.

She pounced, jumping into Luz's arms, the two falling back. "Luz!" Amity licked her cheek. "Hi Luz!!"

"Hi Mi Amor~!" Luz cooed, holding Amity tightly. "Mi Cariño~"

Amity snuggled closer, purring loudly as her tail hit the floor roughly. "Hi Luz~~"

"I came to drop of your lunch! Then, I'm off!"

Amity's purrs turned to soft yowls, "Noooo~"

"Don't worry Amity, I'll be back tonight!" Luz nuzzled her fur. "Remember to bring me your clean container, okay?"

"Mmm...Okay.." Amity squeezed Luz. "I hate being away from you, Luz.."

"I know." Luz sighed, lowering her head. "I hate leaving you. I..Guess, I can stay for a little longer.."


Lilith had been staying over with Eda while she was on paid leave, and was cleaning around on her free time. Which, unfortunately, was most of the time. "When can we go back to the animal world?" Lilith turned to her sister.

"When Cam has finished her chores." Eda took the pillows from the couch, taking them to the laundry basket. "I would go help her, but it's also her time cause she loves cleaning."

Lilith huffed, "There is so much I would like to do right now, but I need Camilla as a guide."

"Too bad, cause when I get the call I'm going to take her to bed and head to sleep."

The door opened, King waddling in with bags, Vee behind him, her true tail gently pressing against King's back so he wouldn't topple over. "Set them down, King. I'll put them away." Vee said.

He squat down, carefully slipping free of the bags and jumping to Eda. "Up up up!" He rose his paws.

Edalyn leaned down, lifting King up and allowing him to slink around her neck. "The more you hang out with Cam, the younger you get." Eda scratched his chin.

"Vee," Lilith stood, clearing her throat. "I know you..Uh.."

"Are you still invested in my shape-shifting?" Vee closed the door.

Lilith nodded, "I..Despite what you have gone through, I have been very curious on how you have grown, since then.."

Vee hummed softly, "Well, I can mimic others alot better now." Vee's fur grew darker, wings sprouting from her back as her paws turned to talons and she grew in size. "But I haven't mastered their voices yet."

The basilisk copied Lilith, from feathers to color, height and length of tail. "Oh my." Lilith stepped closer. "Is..This more helpful for you? To be out and about?"

Vee nodded, "I've been given my own time to learn about my body, not when everyone stops by and gawks at me." She leaned back, her change sudden as she switched to Luz. "Besides, I had help."

"You mean, Luz has helped?" Eda stomped closer.

"At first, I thought Luz would hate me for being her when she was here. One day, she just pulled ne aside and asked me what I could do." Vee poked King, jumping towards Eda and shrinking down. "From changing my ears to horns, or horns to antlers.."

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now