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Luz awoke to Amity grooming her fur, the kitten having been long awake. "A..mor..?" Luz yawned.

"Good morning Luz," Amity knocked her head against Luz's. "Sleep well?"

"Of course..There was a goddess right next to me all night." Luz teased, wrapping her arms around the kitten. "I love you so much Amity, you're everything I've ever wanted and more."

"Do you say that because I'm your girlfriend or?"

"I say this because you're my everything. Every breath I take is for you, every flower I look at I think of you, simple things remind me of the special and beautiful person I have the privilege to call mine." Luz caressed Amity's cheek. "Amity, I say this because you bring out the best in me, and it's only with you I've shared my secrets. I trust you, and I love you even more."

Amity took in a soft breath, lowering her head slightly, Luz's finger wiping away a beading tear. "For every beat of my heart I dedicate to you, every second of my life I give to you, every experience ours to share, and you for me to keep." Amity licked Luz's stop, ruffling her fur. "And you Mi Cariño, are not to be shared. I will keep you allll to myself."

She hugged Luz back, the pup relaxing exponentially, ears flopping as her tail wagged as fast as it took to blink. For she was Amity's. And whatever it took, no matter how challenging, no matter how selfish of her it'll be, she'll keep it that way.


Lilith rose her head, walking forward, a golden mutt joining her side, "Hunter." Lilith greeted.

"Lilith." He answered. "Back so soon?"

"I found the basilisk." Lilith said.

Hunter stopped, then quickly caught up, "Well where is it? Did you draw its blood?"

Lilith glanced at him, then kept walking forward, nearing the throne. "Emperor Belos."

"Lilith? You've returned early." He let out a soft guttural hum. "How come?"

"I found the basili--"

"Where is it?" Belos stood, slamming the cap of his staff down. "Why is it not at my feet?"

Lilith gazed at him, "I found it dead. Number five was found rotting, stuck under a rock and unable to escape." Lilith pulled a tag from her pocket, throwing it down in front of him. "The only thing that was identifiable, was a tooth, her tag, and a few scales."

Belos hissed, turning his head away, "Useless little things. I needed that one.." Belos removed his mask, revealing a scared muzzle. "BURN IT! BURN THE BLASTED THING! LET IT BURN IN HE-" He crushed his mask, growling.

Taking a soft breath, Belos snorted, a light stream of steam exiting his nostrils. "Hunter." Belos said softly.

"Yes Emperor." He bowed, rushing forward and picking up the tag, returning to Lilith. "You return to the beast, burn it. Leave all remaining bodily matter in the drop box and return on your vacation."

Lilith pulled a bag from her coat, handing it over, "I already burnt it, the beast suffered enough being stuck for so long." Lilith bowed. "I'll be off."

. . .

Camilla opened the door, perking, "Lilith, what a suprise. Is everything-"

Lilith walked inside, Vee stepping from around the kitchen, pop tart in mouth. "Wiwiy-" Vee quickly swallowed the pop tart. "What a surp-"

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now