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The Isles Schools' had a day off because their janitors had all taken a day off. Why is this important? Because the janitors are the only beasts with keys. "Okay, thank you Mrs.Blight. I'll inform her when she wakes. Take care, bye bye." Luz hung up, setting her phone down and grooming Amity's fur.


"Morning Cariño, how was your sleep?"

"Not warm enough..Get back here.." Amity grabbed Luz's waist, pulling her closer.

"I can't, I have to eat breakfast."

Amity let go, yawning as she nodded, "I'll be right there.."

"Thank you Cariño, I'll have a plate ready for you." Luz nuzzled her cheek. "Don't take too long."

"I won't.."

. . .

Even after breakfast, Amity remained half-asleep, being sat on a chair in the middle of the living groom. "Hm..?" Amity rose her head slightly.

She blanked when her cheek was licked, tail lightly wagging, sighing blissfully when she began to get groomed. Luz licked back her fur, Amity purring at the cleansing of her fur. "You're very sleepy, and as much I love you with messy fur," Luz nuzzled her cheek. "I know you like being clean."

Amity nodded, relieved and relaxed, ears flattening out as Luz began at the top of her head. She sat still as she was cleaned, Luz gently holding her head up as she dozed. Luz moved in front of Amity, lowering herself and switching her palm for her shoulder, carefully picking Amity up.

Luz walked to her room, lying Amity down in the sunbeam, coaxing her to let go with licks. "A dormir Cariño," Luz whispered. "I'll make lunch while you get your first nap of the day in."

Amity breathed out softly, relaxing and dozing back off, returning to her fuzzy dreams.


Boscha gazed at the clock, tail swiping along with every tick the Grandfather clock produced. "..She said she'd be here five minutes ago.." Boscha turned her head, huffing and gazing back at the clock.

Willow had promised to come with baked goods, and those baked goods would surely be cooled down. Boscha sighed, getting up, walking to her door. She opened it, jumping back, Willow about to knock on her nose. "Ack-! Boscha!" Willow set her basket down. "Are you okay??"

Claws dug into the carpet as her fur stood on end, wings shielding her face. "Flower, you scared me!"

"I'm sorry Love-" Willow gently moved Boscha's wings down. "And I'm sorry for being late, I burnt myse--"

"You what?-" Boscha took Willow's hands. "Where? Let me see! Are you okay??"

"I'm fine, Love.."

"You can't handle hot stuff!!"

"I'm handling you aren't I?" Willow poked her nose. "Calm down, it was a mild burn, Papa helped me out. See?"

She showed her bandaged hand, Boscha bringing it up and kissing the bandage. "Does it still hurt?"

"No, but it did when I got it." Willow nuzzled up against her. "Now stop worrying and hold me.."

Boscha sighed, "I..Suppose it'd be nicer if I held you instead of worrying.."

"Great! Now get to it, I need my hugs ten seconds ago." Willow sighed, leaning against Boscha.

She was picked up, Boscha taking her to bed and lying on it first. Boscha snickered as she felt Willow melt into her hold, the pegasus sighing longly, nearly nuzzling into the crook of Boscha's neck. "Glasses." Boscha stopped her. "I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Boscha gently removed Willow's glasses, folding them and setting them aside. Willow blinked, tilting her head slightly, "Flower?" Boscha cupped her cheek.

"..I love you."

"I love you too."

Willow snorted, nuzzling into Boscha's palm, "I like loving you, Boscha.."

Smiling warmly, Boscha purred, "I love loving you Willow, you make it so easy." Boscha kissed her nose. "Tell me every little detail of your last few days, I'm listening."


Lilith stood in front of the large golden doors, heart racing, ears pinned back. The door opened, a golden mutt of sorts stepping out, "The Emperor is ready for you."

Swallowing, Lilith walked in, tail drooping as she neared the throne. "Emperor Belos..-"

"Ms. Clawthorne, why are you requesting time off?" The masked figure asked. "You never, request time off."

Lilith lowered her head, a slight tremble coming from her, "M-My‐" She gulped. "I–"

"Ms. Clawthorne," He rose his head. "You are..Stuttering."

Lilith took a sharp breath, raising her head, ears perking. "I wish to spend time with my family..It has..Been too long since I've gone to do so, and I wish to detox with them.."

He snorts, standing. Yet Lilith holds her ground. "..Then I grant you the month off, a paid-leave. As long as you look for that..Stupid, basilisk that got away.."

Lilith bows deeply, "Thank you Emperor, I take your offer with a deep sense of gratitude."

"You may leave now, or continue your shift as normal. But be gone, I have much to get to.." He walked past her.

Lilith kept her head down til his steps were far gone, cooing and eagerly leaving the room. The golden mutt rolled his eyes as she ran past, entering the room and slamming the doors. Lilith went to the break room, signing out immediately and gathering her things. "Where are you going Lilith?" Steve looked over.

"To spend time with my family!" Lilith said proudly. "I suggest you do the same."

Steve blinked, "Maybe I should.."

"See ya!" She skipped off. "I'm off to buy presents first!"

                  To be continued.

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