[2 part 2]

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After school, Luz went to the library for something secret with Amity, the mutt making sure no one saw her pull on a book. The bookcase shifted, Luz letting it open halfway before she entered, putting the small bag down. She pulled on another book, the bookcase closing up, the mutt humming quietly.

Luz took out a paper from her pocket, unfolding it, tapping on it, a small flame became of it, the mutt carefully lighting the candles. She blew out the flame in her palm, sitting down at the desk, moving the chair so she could monitor the door.


A small creak made Luz perk up, seeing a very familiar color from behind the bookcase door as it opened. Luz's tail began to wag swiftly, picking up the pace when the mutt spotted- "Amity!"

Our kitten flinched, sending Luz a small wave, pulling another book, the bookcase closing. "Hey Luz, sorry to keep you waiting.."

"No no! It's okay! I'm just glad you could make it!" Luz smiled, grabbing her own tail. "Are you ready?"

Amity nodded, taking a book from her shelves, going over to Luz, offering the book to her. "Your turn." Amity yawned.

Luz let her tail go, taking the book from Amity, thanking her quietly. "Did you want to take a small nap before we start? You seem a bit tired.."

Our kitten shook her head; "It's okay, I'll take a nap later."

Luz got up from her chair, putting the book on the desk, taking a step towards Amity, taking her hands (paws whatever, you pick), gently squeezing them. "We can cancel the club today, I don't mind."

"Luz you've been waiting for this all week.." Amity mumbled.

"No it's okay, next week is always an option."

Amity's ears fell back, her tail lowering itself, loosely wrapping around her leg. "Just for a bit, then we can go home..Please..?"

Luz's tail wagged swiftly behind herself; "Anything you want Amity."


Thirty (30) minutes in, Amity is so dang close to dozing off- Luz flinched a bit when she felt pressure on her left (←) shoulder, looking down slightly; "Amity?" Luz spoke quietly.

Our kitten purred silently, nuzzling Luz's shoulder a bit, her tail curling up by her leg. Luz closed the book, putting it on the empty floor beside her, Amity's purrs growing. The mutt looked back at Amity, slowly pulling away from her, placing her head gently on the pillow just a few inches from her.

Luz carefully pulled her hand back, sighing quietly in relief, getting up and going over to the desk. Amity left her scroll on the desk, Luz knowing the password, Amity trusting her with the very important information. Luz unlocked the device, going to messages, finding a name, then clicking on it.

She typed out; "Hey twins, it's Luz, Amity fell asleep, can you guys come get her? -Luz." And pressed send.

Like the other person, or people, knew she was going to text, replied in an instant; "We'll be there in five (5)."

Luz turned off the scroll, looking down at Amity, our kitten nuzzling in to the pillow, looking- "Cute.."

The mutt went over to her, sitting down in front of Amity, moving her hair back. Our kitten hummed in approval quietly, her purrs growing.

In a few minutes, the scroll made a loud 'ding!' noise, Luz getting back up, going over to it. She read the message; "Can you bring her out? We're still banned."

Luz pressed down on the scroll roughly, the object poofing away, the mutt going back to Amity. Luz carefully got Amity on to her back, her horns poking her just a bit. Luz pulled on a book, cautiously going out, pulling on another book, the bookcase closing up the room.

The mutt made her way to the front, the door being held open for her by the next person who entered, Luz thanking them. "Hey Edric! Emira!" Luz greeted.

The twins who looked just like Amity except older and not too much alike to our kitten, waved. "Hey Luz, did you two (2) have fun while it lasted?" The female asked.

The mutt nodded; "She must be tired from school or something, can you guys just make sure she rests well?"

The female twin, who'll we'll just assume is named Emira, nodded, taking Amity from her. She carried her somewhat baby style, Amity's purrs fading because of the new way being carried. "Come on you little fuzz monster. Time to get you home."

The male, who'll we'll also assume is named Edric, offered Luz a paper; "If ya ever want to come over, this is where we live. We've informed our guards that you're allowed in, don't overuse this Luz."

The dog's tail wagged swiftly as she took the paper; "Thanks! But I kinda already know where you live! Saw Boscha go there once, nice house!"

"Yeah, perks of being rich." Emira shrugged. "Come on, gotta get Mittens home."

Edric nodded, waving at Luz; "Later Blights!" Luz waved.

They carefully went down the steps, Luz going back in the library, returning to the secret spot.

She pulled on a book, slipping in, pulling on another book, the bookcase closing. Luz looked around the room, her ears perking up, the mutt spotting- "Amity's bag!"

I was going to write that! Rude. But yes, Amity's bag was at the spot she left it at. "I should return this-"

Yes Luz, that'd be the nice thing to do. "Maybe I can go over!"

That's not a bad idea, but maybe not- "Today would be a good time.."

Yes but you have to go with- "I'll tell Eda I'll be going out for a bit longer then planned."

Luz you have to let me explain- "Ooh there's still some leftover snacks!"

Hello? Excuse me, am I on writers block or something? Luz you can just catch up to them it's not that hard- "These peanut butter snacks are soooo dang good!"

Sigh..          To be continued.

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