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Next morning, Luz made it her mission again to find Amity, spotting the kittens fluffy green tail. She turned the corner, hugging Amity, the kitten hissing quietly at the abrupt action, "Morning Amity!" Luz exclaimed excitedly.

The kitten froze, Luz letting her go, spotting the person she was talking to, "Morning Skara." The mutt said normally. "Amity do you want to walk to class together and sit with me during lunch?" Luz said with much more emotion, her tail wagging swiftly.

"Wh-Wha- Sure!- I mean- Y-Yeah sure whatever-" Amity scoffed, trying to play off her excitement. "What was the question?-"

Luz nuzzled her cheek, the kitten dreamily sighing, relaxing in Luz's grasp, feeling like mush. Oh the places you'll be gay.


Luz kept her word about taking Amity to class, hanging out with the kitten during lunch, "Don't you think Hecate might actually like Azura?" Luz asked, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

Amity shrugged, "She might, Hecate has a really bad way of showing it." She said, drinking some of her apple blood.

Luz hummed, letting her sandwich bite pass, "The king is the bad guy, right?"

Amity nodded, "For sure, he's super creepy."

Luz snapped, "That's what I said! He's suspicious, he's definitely the bad guy. When he talked to the dragon king, it went by fast, just a day out and day back."

Amity nodded furiously, her tail swaying from side to side swiftly, "I know! Azura has to stop telling the king her plans for her next attack." Amit stated.

Luz hummed, "Actually, I hope she tells him, but a fake plan. You know?"

Amity shook her head, "What do you mean?" The kitten asked.

"Well," Luz began. "Azura should tell the king a plan, but when he meets her there, she uses her other plan and captures him."

Amity ooed, "That's a great idea Luz! I hope that happens." Amity smiled.

The mutts tail wagged slowly, then began to pick up the pace, "You think it'll be the last book?" Luz asked, grabbing her tail to stop it from embarrassing her.

Amity shook her head, drinking some of her apple blood, "If they don't talk about the dragon king the next book, then it won't be the last! But, where do we get the books?"

Luz hummed, thinking about this rather difficult question, "You just leave it to me!"

. . .

"Please EdAaaAa." Luz whined, being dragged along the floor as she held on to the Griffin's leg.

"Luz gosh darn it! No!"

"It's for Amityyyy..." Luz whimpered. "I don't want to let her down..Edaaa!!"

The Griffin's tail picked up the mutt, Eda walking to the kitchen, putting Luz down on the counter, the mutt falling to the side, giving her mentor sad puppy eyes. "Listen kid, I do it every month, we just got the goods!"

Luz whimpered, her ears falling back, the mutt looking down at the floor. Eda sighed, running her hand through her mane, "Tell Owlbert where to look for it, and he'll get it." Eda muttered. "This will be the only time kid!"

The mutt sat up, her tail wagging furiously, "Thank you Eda thank you!"

Eda drew a circle, a staff with an owl on it popping out. She unscrewed it, the owl coming to life, spreading it's wings, chirping quietly. "Alright kid, you tell him, and he'll go on and steal it."

Luz shook her head violently, "I-I'll give him some money! Stealing is so wrong in our world!"


The wolf at the counter hesitantly took the money, the little owl hopping to the book of books, nudging one of the names. She looked at it, and went to the back, returning with the next book. Owlbert cooed, picking up the book and flying out with it. "He was a dollar short." The wolf said.

Owlbert flew back to the portal, and when he made it through, Luz was right there to catch him and the book. The portal closed, Luz cheering, giving Owlbert chin scratches, "Good job Owlbert! I'm so proud of you!"

He chirped, nuzzling her cheek, Luz getting off the floor, examining the book. Thankfully, it was the right one. Luz turned to the first page, but closed it in an instant. "No, I'm going to read this with Amity."

Eda came over, King on her shoulder. "Mission complete?" Eda questioned.

Luz nodded, Owlbert chirping, gently flapping his wings, "Thank you Eda! I will be in my room picking up, if that's okay?"

Eda ruffled Luz's fur, "Course it is. You go on up, I'll get started on dinner."

Luz's tail wagged swiftly, the mutt bowing her head, and rushing up the stairs, Owlbert flying back down. "She is a good kid." King said, nudging Eda's cheek.

"Yeah. She really is.."

To be continued.

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