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The next day, because dinner, was.. "Morning Willow!" Luz greeted.

"Yeah hi-" Willow waved quickly at Luz before she continued to peek into the classrooms. "Have you seen Boscha?"

Luz hummed, "Oh yeah! She was in the caf-"

"Thanks." Willow turned and dashed down the hall.


Willow rushed to the cafeteria, glancing about, spotting Boscha talking with Amity. Willow walked over, Boscha's ears facing her direction, the Manticore looking up at Willow. "Hey Flower.."


"I uhm.."

"I'm sorry.." Willow uttered, her ears falling back, her voice cracking. "I-It was a bad idea--"

Boscha glanced away, Willow tensing up, tears streaming down her fur. "I'll let you two talk.." Amity got up, walking off.

Willow let out a small cry, "I shouldn't have pushed it Boscha-- I-I shouldn't have forced you- Hicc--" Willow wiped her fur. "A-And I'm sorry-- I'm so so sorry--"

Boscha got up, walking closer to Willow, and hugged her. The Pegasus wrapped her arms around Boscha's neck, crying quietly in her chest. The Manticore pushed her back gently, taking off Willow's glasses, pulling the Pegasus back in the hug. "Shh..It's okay Flower..It's okay.."

"Hicc-- I-It wasn't okay Boscha--"

"They had every right to be mad at me Willow, I wouldn't have forgiven me so quickly either.." Boscha kissed Willow's head, her tail wrapping around the pegasus's waist.

Willow hiccuped, gripping Boscha's shirt, "They shouldn't have said that to you-- You didn't deserve those words to be spoken in front of you--"

"I deserved them Willow. I hurt you so many times, I don't even know why you even gave me a chance! Willow, I should just be grateful you even look at me!"

The pegasus nuzzled in to the Manticore's chest, "..."

"Willow. I will do everything I can to let them know I have your best interests. I'll do whatever it takes just so they know I'm right for you." Boscha picked up her pegasus. "We can hang out in the garden hm?"

Willow hiccuped, nodding slowly, "I'm so sorry Boscha..I'm so sorry.."

"Hush, no more crying. I deserved every word spoken last night, I just need to build up past them to get your fathers' to trust me." Boscha walked out of the cafeteria with her Pegasus, making sure to watch out when turning the corner. "And I'll try my hardest til I can make it."


"Luz! Luz oh my gosh!" Amity rushed to the pup, stumbling in to her grasp. "Oh my gosh!"

"Amity- What's wrong-" Luz hugged the kitten. "What what what-"

"I've got tea bags!"

"Uhm- I don't have any hot water.."

"No you dummy!" Amity hissed. "I've got juicy details!!"

"Oh!" Luz's tail began to wag. "Chisme-"

Amity licked Luz's cheek, nuzzling her, "Sorry, didn't greet you before I started talking. How are you?"

Luz hummed proudly, her tail picking up the pace, "I'm great now that you're here Cariño~~" Luz licked her cheek, moving her fur back. "How are you doing today Love?"

Amity felt Luz's collar, "Pet names~ How cute~" Amity purred during her words, pulling the mutt close. "Quiero ser tuya Luz, trátame bein hm?~"

Luz fluffed up, her ears falling back, her tail wagging furiously. "Hah-- I-I uh- Hm- Oh-- O-Oh my gosh--" Luz lowered her head. "A-Amity--"

The kitten purred quietly, "What?~"

Luz hugged Amity, hiding her face in the cat's fur. "Hm-"

Amity giggled, hugging Luz back, "I love you~"

"I love you too Amity.." Luz barked quietly.

"Ay Amor~ Amity cooed. "Can you give me Spanish lessons Luz?"

The pup nodded slowly, Amity licking her cheek, "The tea..?" Luz asked.

"Oh yes!" Amity pushed Luz back gently, sitting her in the chair. "Boscha and Willow are dating."



Willow hummed quietly as Boscha gently scratched her itchy spot, the pegasus leaning in to her palm. "Feel nice?" Boscha asked, moving her hand back a bit to scratch a different spot.

"Ah- There--" Willow pressed against Boscha's claws. "Muh-"

Boscha scratched Willow's itchy spot, the pegasus letting out a deep sigh. "Better?"

"Thank you Boscha.."

The Manticore hummed proudly, licking Willow's forehead. "No problem Flower, was that it?"

The Pegasus shook her head, moving Boscha's claw up, the Manticore gently scratching that spot. Willow's tail made a quick swipe motion, the Pegasus leaning in to her palm. "That spot?"

"Yes yes yes--" Willow gripped Boscha's wrist. "Itchy itchy itchy--"

Boscha scratched the spot, Willow letting out a few huffs, moving the manticore's claw. Willow shakily sighed in relief, Boscha giving her a small kiss, "Now is that it?"


Boscha rested her head on Willow's chest, wrapping her arms around the pegasus's waist. "I love you Willow."

"..." The pegasus looked away as her fur fluffed up slightly, her ears falling back. "I love you too Boscha.." She whispered.

"Hm?~" Boscha purred. "I didn't hear you~"


"Come again?~"

Willow glanced at Boscha, then leaned down, nuzzling her cheek, going to her ear. She made a small noise, pulling back and giggling. Boscha hid her face in Willow's chest, her ears drooping down, her tail wagging swiftly. "Again?" Willow teased.

"You'll kill me.." Boscha uttered.

Willow rubbed her back, giggling as she heard Boscha whine. "I love you too Boscha, and I'm happy you're trying to be a better beast.."

Boscha paused, pulling back and looking at Willow, "You are..?"

"I'm proud of you Boscha." Willow licked her forehead. "And I know you'll do much more in the future."

Boscha whimpered, Willow awhing at the Manticore. "After saying something like that you can't expect me not to cry Willow--" Boscha wiped her fur.

The Pegasus lightly blew in her face, caressing Boscha's cheek. "You're the best Manticore anyone can ask for."

"And I'm allllllll yours.."

To be continued.

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